
Vital For The Human Body

Vital For The Human Body

Sodium, or table salt, has a rough history. Food labels trumpet their lack of it. Doctors caution using it. Everyone seems to be avoiding it.

But at what cost? Given the messages touted in the media, you might think that sodium is toxic. But nothing could be further from the truth. Sodium is vital for the human body to survive!

Sodium is a crucial electrolyte stored primarily in the fluid that surrounds all our cells. Our kidneys use electrolytes to regulate the amount of water in the body. This is an important job as our bodies are about 60% water.

When we have high levels of sodium, the kidneys retain water. When we have too little sodium, the kidneys release more water.

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How Alcohol Affects Your Sleep

How Alcohol Affects Your Sleep

I know many who enjoy an alcoholic beverage at the end of a busy day. It may be a regular habit or an occasional one, but they use it to wind down. And then there are days of celebration when there may be even more alcohol involved. If you enjoy an alcoholic beverage to wind down, have you ever considered how alcohol affects your sleep?

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Electrolytes: A Key Factor In Hydration

Electrolytes: A Key Factor in Hydration

I have written often about the importance of hydration. Drinking actual water without additives is vital for supplying your body with what plays an essential part in its function. Electrolytes play a key role in effective hydration. They are especially important in the summer when temperatures rise. Not only are we more likely to sweat, but increased activity will increase water loss.

Electrolytes are sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and magnesium. They regulate the electric charge and flow of water molecules across our cell membranes. In the process of doing this, they play a part in numerous body functions. Read more

What Is In Your Food?

What Is In Your Food?

is in your food? The nutrients in our food fall into two categories – macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are what we need in large amounts, mainly protein, carbohydrates (vegetables, fruit, grains), and fats.

Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals, and other compounds the body requires in small amounts for normal function.

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7 Nutrient-Dense Foods To Fuel Healthy Function

7 Nutrient-Dense Foods To Fuel Healthy Function

When seeking to improve your health, I always recommend starting with what you eat. It can be confusing with so many diets and nutrition plans. Good news –  you don’t always have to start with a “diet.” Simply assess the foods you are currently eating and swap out the processed carbs for nutrient-dense foods to fuel healthy function. Packed with nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fats, and antioxidants, these foods will help so you feel great. Here we talk about 7 nutrient-dense foods to fuel healthy function.

Stock your kitchen with some of these foods next time you’re at the grocery store:

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like wild-caught salmon, halibut or cod have a rich concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, which help your body function optimally. It also has large amounts of potassium, selenium, B vitamins, and magnesium, making it a great source of nutrition for lunch or dinner. Farmed fish does not offer the same nutrients, so choose wild-caught.

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5 Tips For Simplifying Your Eating Habits

5 Tips For Simplifying Your Eating Habits

Have you noticed that new diets and eating plans are introduced regularly, touting results that we all are seeking? Each new fad presents itself as “the one” yet what really works is a sustainable change to eating foods that fuel our bodies with needed nutrients. It’s actually far simpler than we are making it. Here are 5 Tips For Simplifying Your Eating Habits.

Eat More Raw, Whole Foods

Eating food in its most natural state is a great way to cut some time and stress from your mealtimes. For example, grab a boiled egg on your way out the door instead of breakfast at the coffee shop. Add some fresh veggies as a side at lunch instead of packing chips. Toss everything in a bowl to create a big salad for dinner instead of a complicated recipe or take-out. Read more

If you supplement your nutrient intake to fill gaps, you may wonder how and when it is best to take them for greatest benefit.

Timing For Supplements ….

Are you one of the growing numbers of Americans who are recognizing the need to supplement your nutrient intake? Have you explored how to take them for best effect?

I do meet people that believe supplements are unnecessary. These have often accepted the media reports that vitamins don’t work, or questioning whether the FDA has approved them. I won’t take the time in this newsletter to fully refute these positions. Suffice it to say, the media was reporting on studies that were done using synthetic vitamins. The body doesn’t recognize or use synthetic vitamins well. Bioavailable forms are absorbed and provide benefits. Read more

nutritional comparison of fresh frozen and canned fruits and vegetables 40

Nutritional Comparison of Fresh, Frozen and Canned Fruits and Vegetables

Today we are going to talk about the nutritional comparison of fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. You already know that eating vegetables is essential for your health, and they available fresh, frozen, and canned. Do you ever wonder what the difference is between them? After all, aren’t they all vegetables?

Here’s what you should know about each.

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How to Boost Your Immune System Without A Vaccine

How to Boost Your Immune System Without A Vaccine

Let’s talk about how to boost your immune system without a vaccine and get you through the rough allergy and cold seasons.

Many of us look forward to the cooler temperatures and colors that appear in nature with fall’s arrival, but not so much the illness that often comes with the change in season. Have you struggled with allergies, asthma, sinus infections, a perpetual cold, or been laid low with the flu? That last one took me down for the first time last season and I don’t plan to let it sneak up on me again.

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Edit Your Nutrients With Color

Red-Fruits-And-Vegetables-300x130In my last newsletter we began to talk about the color of our foods. Have you noticed the colors on your plate more frequently since I brought up the subject?

Perhaps you have been adding more colors to your meals. If so, I’m delighted, and would love to hear what you have been eating and whether you can tell any difference in your energy level or taste.

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