Protect Yourself From Chlorine Exposure

Protect Yourself From Chlorine Exposure

Do you find yourself spending time during the summer in the pool to cool off, exercise, or just trying to keep the kids busy? Most of us are careful about sunscreen to protect from sunburns. But what are you doing to protect yourself from chlorine exposure?

Have you experienced sensitivity to chlorine? What did it feel like? Itchy, dry skin, airway irritation, dry hair, coughing, or irritated eyes are just some of the symptoms that people report. It’s possible that you had some of these symptoms, but didn’t connect them to the chlorine in the pool.

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Electrolytes: A Key Factor In Hydration

Electrolytes: A Key Factor in Hydration

I have written often about the importance of hydration. Drinking actual water without additives is vital for supplying your body with what plays an essential part in its function. Electrolytes play a key role in effective hydration. They are especially important in the summer when temperatures rise. Not only are we more likely to sweat, but increased activity will increase water loss.

Electrolytes are sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and magnesium. They regulate the electric charge and flow of water molecules across our cell membranes. In the process of doing this, they play a part in numerous body functions. Read more

Adopt Active Hobbies For Fitness

Adopt Active Hobbies For Fitness

Keeping ourselves moving goes way beyond routine gym sessions or obsessing over the number of daily steps you take. It’s about discovering the sheer joy that movement can bring to our lives.

Active hobbies provide a beautiful mix of pleasure and physical benefits. They turn what might often feel like a chore into something we look forward to. Whether it’s dancing in your living room, hiking through nature, or playing a sport just for fun – these activities add a vibrant layer of excitement to staying fit.

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Choose To Reduce Your Toxin Exposure

Choose To Reduce Your Toxin Exposure

When you hear the term “toxin” what do you picture in your head? It would be easier for us if all toxins were labeled with the skull and crossbones symbol, but that’s not the case.

Sadly, we all encounter toxins every day. Pursuing wellness means that you must choose to reduce your toxin exposure.

The unfortunate truth is that our world today is not set up for optimal health. There are many who are fighting for policy change, but it’s a challenge thanks to the incentives that flood our political system.

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Got Belly Fat?

Got Belly Fat?

We like having curves, but not that kind. Frustrating as it is, belly fat doesn’t indicate a need for a diet. It is actually an indication of a deeper imbalance related to hormones. If you’ve got belly fat, your body is calling for help.

It is not unusual for belly fat to appear in women after the age of 50, even those who are otherwise skinny and athletic. And it isn’t just a women’s issue because men can develop belly fat, too.

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Support Your Body in the Battle

Support Your Body In The Battle

We all have friends and family who have been diagnosed with cancer. The diagnosis started them on a journey that took them where they never thought they would go. When you have cancer, your medical team focuses on eradicating the tumor, but often there is little support for the rest of your body. I believe it is vital to support your body in the battle, whether with cancer or other threats to wellness.

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Build Resilience Into Your Wellness Plan

Build Resilience Into Your Wellness Plan

What does resilience have to do with your health? It is actually foundational to navigating life well. When I speak of wellness, I don’t mean a total absence of sickness, but rather the body being able to rebound after a short period of sickness. This is very different than the experience of many who live with chronic disease which makes them more susceptible to germs that are shared in their communities. Follow these ideas to help build resilience into your wellness plan.

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Breathing Techniques for Inner Calm

5 Breathing Techniques For Inner Calm

Stress is recognized as a challenge to mental and physical health. The people we encounter each day have widely different stressors in their lives. Given the many ways that stress can hinder our bodies’ function, it is important to take steps to moderate stress and bring short moments of calm. For simplicity, try these 5 breathing techniques for inner calm.

5 Breathing Techniques For Inner Calm

When you recognize that your stress levels are rising, here are five powerful breathing techniques for inner calm. These methods are practical and easy to integrate into your busy schedule. Taking just a few minutes to practice, they offer an effective way to manage stress and restore peace in your daily life.

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Good For Them and For You!

Good For Them And For You!

What is your focus in these last few days before Thanksgiving? Have you set the menu for the meal and prepared your grocery list? Are your thoughts dominated by arrangements you need to make for guests, or perhaps the calorie overload that comes with the traditional feast?

Or perhaps you are one who thinks of where you will settle for your post-turkey nap?

All of these demands on your attention are significantly contributing to your stress level. This hinders your digestion, affects your heart and lung function, and makes you susceptible to viral illness.

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Not A Scary Situation, Or Is It?

Not A Scary Situation, Or Is It?

 Here in the US, we may have an assortment of witches, ghosts, and princesses showing up at our doors this evening. Many of them will have cute kids’ faces beaming over the neckline of their costumes, though some may be hidden behind masks. It’s not a scary situation, or is it?

You know what’s really scary in this situation played out in neighborhoods or businesses? The amount of sugar that accumulates in the bags of the trick-or-treaters.

It can seem innocuous. Lots of little candies – suckers, fun-sized packs, or candy bars. All small portions, right?

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