Pain From A Different Perspective

Pain From A Different Perspective

None of us enjoy pain. It adds to the challenges we already experience by adding both physical and emotional stress. The typical response to pain is to open a bottle and pop a pill (or two), washing it down with whatever liquid is at hand. What would happen if we viewed pain from a different perspective?

Since our goal is usually to stop the pain, popping a pill can succeed … for the time being. What about identifying the root cause of the pain? If the pain returns and you need to repeat the process daily or multiple times a day, you may actually be adding fuel to the fire in your body.

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A Tasty Poison In Our Foods

A Tasty Poison In Our Foods

No doubt you have heard that monosodium glutamate is not good for you. I’m wondering whether you think you are not eating it because you skip Chinese food unless the restaurant says they don’t use MSG? The sad truth, MSG is still a tasty poison in our foods.

Monosodium glutamate recreates a natural flavor called “umami.” It is sometimes referred to as the “fifth flavor,” after sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Umami is a savory and meaty taste, typically found in long-cooked or fermented foods.

Ajinomoto Company from Japan discovered that synthetic umami could season foods cheaply, without the time and work involved in traditional flavored foods.

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