Snack Ideas For Your Summer Road Trip

Snack Ideas For Your Summer Road Trip

simpWherever your summer travels take you, finding healthy snacks for long car rides can be challenging. If you’re planning on spending an extended period in the car, you’ll want to plan for healthy options that will curb hunger without causing a sugar high. Here are some great snack ideas for your summer road trip.

The key to balancing your snack options is not to go for the flour-based processed snacks. These are designed to be appealing, but they boost blood sugar followed by a crash.

Consuming these carb-heavy snacks will make you hungry before you reach the next exit. The key to road-trip satiety is focusing on snacks that offer protein, fat, and fiber. Read more

Electrolytes: A Key Factor In Hydration

Electrolytes: A Key Factor in Hydration

I have written often about the importance of hydration. Drinking actual water without additives is vital for supplying your body with what plays an essential part in its function. Electrolytes play a key role in effective hydration. They are especially important in the summer when temperatures rise. Not only are we more likely to sweat, but increased activity will increase water loss.

Electrolytes are sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and magnesium. They regulate the electric charge and flow of water molecules across our cell membranes. In the process of doing this, they play a part in numerous body functions. Read more

Choose To Reduce Your Toxin Exposure

Choose To Reduce Your Toxin Exposure

When you hear the term “toxin” what do you picture in your head? It would be easier for us if all toxins were labeled with the skull and crossbones symbol, but that’s not the case.

Sadly, we all encounter toxins every day. Pursuing wellness means that you must choose to reduce your toxin exposure.

The unfortunate truth is that our world today is not set up for optimal health. There are many who are fighting for policy change, but it’s a challenge thanks to the incentives that flood our political system.

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Got Belly Fat?

Got Belly Fat?

We like having curves, but not that kind. Frustrating as it is, belly fat doesn’t indicate a need for a diet. It is actually an indication of a deeper imbalance related to hormones. If you’ve got belly fat, your body is calling for help.

It is not unusual for belly fat to appear in women after the age of 50, even those who are otherwise skinny and athletic. And it isn’t just a women’s issue because men can develop belly fat, too.

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10 Areas to Optimize Your Healthy Life

10 Areas To Optimize Your Healthy Life

What does a healthy life mean to you? For most people, “healthy” means not having nagging symptoms and having energy for life’s activities. There is a lot going on in our bodies that is not on our radar, yet we can influence its function positively with our choices. Yes, your choices make a huge difference!

Did you know that the average American spends the last decade or more of their lives in what I call the 4 D’s: diseased, depressed, disabled, or demented? Americans rank 83rd globally for living a healthy life. Yikes! That’s not the “norm” that I want to live, and I’m sure you would agree. Here are 10 areas to optimize your healthy life.

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Reclaim Your Health with Whole Foods

Reclaim Your Health With Whole Foods

The month of January tends to bring a focus on reclaiming health. Perhaps the holidays introduced a variety of tempting foods, or there were added occasions for consuming alcohol.

There may also have been more on the schedule which crowded out the focus on movement or exercise. A great place to start is to reclaim your health with whole foods.

A “whole foods” (or real food) diet centers around consuming foods in their most natural and unprocessed form. It’s a lifestyle choice gaining traction for its numerous health benefits and relative simplicity.

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Unlock the Secrets of Longevity – Eat Like a Blue Zoner

Unlock the Secrets of Longevity – Eat Like a Blue Zoner

Have you heard of the term ‘Blue Zones’? It was coined by National Geographic journalist Dan Buettner that refers to areas renowned for their exceptional longevity and remarkably low rates of chronic diseases. These regions include Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Nicoya (Costa Rica), Ikaria (Greece), and Loma Linda (USA). Blue Zones have become the focus of extensive research to unlock the secrets of longevity and eat like a blue zoner.

Not surprisingly, a significant part of these secrets lies in their dietary habits. Let’s explore how to eat like a Blue Zoner.

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Why Is Detox Vital For Health?

Why Is Detox Vital For Health?

Detox is vital for health because our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxins. You don’t see them, taste them, and often don’t smell them, but they are there. Toxins are permitted to be sprayed on produce, added to processed foods and our water. They are included in our personal hygiene products and found in building and furniture materials.

The constant bombardment of our bodies with these toxins damages our ability to get rid of those very same chemicals. A downward spiral for certain, until you are aware and make changes.

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4 Pillars Of A Healthy Metabolism

4 Pillars Of a Healthy Metabolism

A healthy metabolism is essential for many aspects of your body’s function, from energy levels and moods to weight control and overall health. A sluggish metabolism can lead to fatigue, difficulty with weight loss or gain, poor digestion, and muddled thinking.

While many factors affect metabolism, there are a few key things you can do to keep yours working well. Let’s explore the four pillars of a healthy metabolism.

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4 Habits For Balancing Blood Sugar

4 Habits For Balancing Blood Sugar

You may think that balancing your blood sugar levels is a task reserved only for people with diabetes. While it is true that people with diabetes must closely monitor their blood sugar levels, the truth is that everyone should pay attention. That’s why we want to talk about 4 habits for balancing blood sugar.

Having high levels of glucose circulating in your body is damaging to blood vessels and kidneys. The body responds with insulin to escort the glucose into your cells where it can be used for fuel.

However, when there are recurring spikes of glucose throughout the day, your cells may turn down their receptivity and not accept the insulin or glucose. The alternative is for insulin to escort the glucose to be stored as fat.

I believe in being proactive with my health, so I take measures to balance my blood sugar and protect my body. Here are four tips for balancing blood sugar so that you have stable energy throughout the day.

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