Wellness Is More Than Diet And Exercise

Wellness Is More Than Diet And Exercise

Embarking on a journey toward healthy living is about so much more than just mastering your diet and fitting in regular workouts. Yes, nutrition and physical activity are considered to be cornerstones of good health. Yet wellness is more than diet and exercise.

When considering health, we tend to focus on the physical body, but wellness goes deeper – embrace a more rounded view of well-being. It’s time to recognize that full wellness includes our mental health, our relationships with others, and a sense of personal achievement.

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Protect Yourself When Taking Antibiotics

Protect Yourself When Taking Antibiotics

We have a bit of a love/hate relationship with bacteria. Many of us have grown up hearing adults warn us about germs – or bacteria. What we, and likely they, didn’t realize is that not all bacteria is bad for us.

In fact, there is a bustling community of bacteria, yeast, and viruses in our guts, and this community plays an important part in our health.

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The Benefit Of Challenge

The Benefit Of Challenge

We have a normal human tendency to avoid challenge. Challenge is hard. Yet, the human body is designed to continuously adapt to and thrive in a largely unpredictable environment. The desire to hang out in our comfort zone can actually work against us. Welcome to the powerful concept of hormesis.

Hormesis is the phenomenon whereby the body derives long-term benefits and strength from short, potent episodes of challenge or stress. It’s actually a term that has developed from toxicology, the study of toxins. Though we generally view toxins as totally negative. Scientists have learned that very small amounts of toxic exposure can actually support health. Hang with me here.

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