The Way You Breathe Matters

The Way You Breathe Matters

If you are reading this, you are breathing. We tend to take breathing for granted unless we are having difficulty – then it is all we can think about. Have you ever paid attention to how you breathe, whether through your nose or your mouth?

You may think it doesn’t matter because both routes provide air for your lungs. Actually, the way you breathe matters.

Your body’s primary means of breathing is your nose, with your mouth being the backup route to bring air into your lungs. But some of us grew up with restrictions to nasal breathing, such as allergies causing congestion or a deviated septum. As a result, it became a habit to breathe through our mouths.

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Unlock the Secrets of Longevity – Eat Like a Blue Zoner

Unlock the Secrets of Longevity – Eat Like a Blue Zoner

Have you heard of the term ‘Blue Zones’? It was coined by National Geographic journalist Dan Buettner that refers to areas renowned for their exceptional longevity and remarkably low rates of chronic diseases. These regions include Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Nicoya (Costa Rica), Ikaria (Greece), and Loma Linda (USA). Blue Zones have become the focus of extensive research to unlock the secrets of longevity and eat like a blue zoner.

Not surprisingly, a significant part of these secrets lies in their dietary habits. Let’s explore how to eat like a Blue Zoner.

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