Are You Aging—Or Just Overloaded with Toxins?

Are You Aging – Or Just Overloaded with Toxins?

Have you ever been told that your fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, or stubborn weight gain are just “signs of aging”? Many people hear this from their doctors when they complain about feeling sluggish, foggy, inflamed, or simply “off.” The underlying message? Accept it. It’s just part of getting older.

But what if it’s not aging at all? What if these symptoms are actually signs that your body is struggling under the burden of accumulated toxins?

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Smells That Hinder Your Health

Smells That Hinder Your Health

What smells do you encounter regularly during the day? The smells of foods you eat? Or smells from your clothes when they are fresh from the laundry? Or perhaps from your shampoo, soap, and other hygiene products? I would imagine that it hasn’t occurred to you that there may be smells that hinder your health.

It’s a sad fact that many of the smells we encounter each day are from chemicals that are toxic to your body. One of the more prominent chemicals is phthalates (pronounced fthal-eyt) which are endocrine disrupting chemicals. That’s a fancy term for chemicals that mess with your hormones.

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Protect Yourself From Chlorine Exposure

Protect Yourself From Chlorine Exposure

Do you find yourself spending time during the summer in the pool to cool off, exercise, or just trying to keep the kids busy? Most of us are careful about sunscreen to protect from sunburns. But what are you doing to protect yourself from chlorine exposure?

Have you experienced sensitivity to chlorine? What did it feel like? Itchy, dry skin, airway irritation, dry hair, coughing, or irritated eyes are just some of the symptoms that people report. It’s possible that you had some of these symptoms, but didn’t connect them to the chlorine in the pool.

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Why Is Detox Vital For Health?

Why Is Detox Vital For Health?

Detox is vital for health because our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxins. You don’t see them, taste them, and often don’t smell them, but they are there. Toxins are permitted to be sprayed on produce, added to processed foods and our water. They are included in our personal hygiene products and found in building and furniture materials.

The constant bombardment of our bodies with these toxins damages our ability to get rid of those very same chemicals. A downward spiral for certain, until you are aware and make changes.

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Spring Cleaning For Your Body

As signs of spring appear, many are beginning the process of spring cleaning in their homes. Have you ever considered spring cleaning for your body? It’s a valuable practice that helps to “clear the sludge” that collects through winter months … or perhaps life changes related to a pandemic.

As we see in nature, winter’s cold weather causes us to naturally slow down and become more sedentary. This can lead to accumulation of added waste in the body. Spring’s biorhythm provides an ideal setting for a focused housecleaning, allowing the body to release this accumulated waste.

Living in the western world by default exposes us daily to a toxic “soup” of chemicals. This exposure comes from plastics, pesticides, flame retardants, personal hygiene products, and heavy metals from foods and our environment. Read more

Many are frustrated by weight gain during the holidays. Before you start another diet, there are some important tips I'd like to share.

Before You Start That Diet ….

It’s the beginning of a new year. Across the US, there are many who are frustrated by the bigger number on their bathroom scale and are choosing the diet they will use this time around. Would this be you, too? Before you start that diet, there are some important tips I’d like to share.

Losing weight is more than eating less and exercising more. When the body can’t eliminate toxins, it stashes them in adipose tissue – fat cells. Weight loss releases not only fat, but toxins too. That’s often why you feel sluggish when dieting. Read more

Flavor And Health Benefits From Autumn Herbs

One of my favorite parts of autumn is the aromas that are specific to the season. The warming spices, curries, and pumpkin — there’s something so comforting about these scents. Interestingly, the herbs and spices we rely on for flavoring our fall cooking have some incredible health benefits. Flavor, aroma and health benefits from autumn herbs – that’s a win! Read more

Causes of Hair Loss

Hormonal Hair Loss

Our hair is an integral part of our style, personality, and sense of attractiveness. It is one of the first things we notice about someone when they enter a room. But thinning hair, bald spots and hair loss can undermine our self-confidence and cause great frustration.

How many products have you used to remedy the situation? The root cause can be elusive. These can involve unique hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and environmental factors. Hormones are generally a prime suspect, so let’s explore them.

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Why My Passion For Detox?

Because chemicals are sprayed on our foods that damage our ability to detoxify and get rid of those very same chemicals – and other toxins. A downward spiral for certain.

One of most concerning of these chemicals is glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round-Up herbicide. This best-selling herbicide is used on GMO crops in order to increase yields, and on non-GMO crops to ease the harvest process. But at what price? Read more

Dealing With Stones?

CitrusDo you know someone – friend, family member, or yourself – who has had their gallbladder removed? This procedure is increasingly common, and gallbladder disease is unfortunately on the rise among younger people, even teens.

The gallbladder is not a extra organ that you can easily do without. It is an important part of your digestive system, storing bile that is made by your liver until it is needed in your small intestine to emulsify fats. While you can survive without it, there are some important considerations to keep in mind. Read more