Make Time for Me

Make Time for Me

Do you ever feel like you’re giving too much of yourself? What about making time for doing more of what you love? What about Making Time for Me!?

With the coming of spring, there’s no better time to do some spring cleaning in your personal life to get back more of what you put out there.

I have often used the illustration of putting on your oxygen mask. If you have flown recently and heard the safety briefing, you know they recommend the adult putting on the mask before helping a child. You have to fill yourself up to have a supply from which to pour out.

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Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips

Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips

Have you despaired of finding “healthy” foods at your local grocery store? We don’t all live near health food stores, but you can still find foods that will nourish your body, and often at lower prices than those stores. Let’s talk about some healthy grocery shopping tips to make your trip to the store easier.

With a little practice, you can learn to navigate your local grocery store to find foods that will fuel your body and fit your lifestyle. Here is how you start….

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Causes of Hair Loss

Hormonal Hair Loss

Our hair is an integral part of our style, personality, and sense of attractiveness. It is one of the first things we notice about someone when they enter a room. But thinning hair, bald spots and hair loss can undermine our self-confidence and cause great frustration.

How many products have you used to remedy the situation? The root cause can be elusive. These can involve unique hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and environmental factors. Hormones are generally a prime suspect, so let’s explore them.

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How to drink more water.

How To Drink More Water

How can you drink more water? It’s easy. I’m fairly confident that you are not reading this in a desert where you have limited access to water. Even US desert cities have reliable water supplies.

Your body is made up of approximately 75% water, which is why it is important to stay hydrated throughout the day. I notice that more and more people order water when they eat out, but that isn’t an ideal time to consume a lot of liquid. Drinking more than a cup of water or other liquid with a meal can impair digestion and nutrient absorption by diluting stomach acid.

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Is Leaky Gut Real?

Is Leaky Gut Real?

I don’t know what image that question conjures in your mind, but I’m sure that you are aware that about 90% of all health issues can be traced back to the gut. If your home fence has a hole in it, you are likely to get unwanted visitors. Same with your gut.

Our guts are home to several trillion bacteria, collectively referred to as our gut microbiome. Lest you cringe and think that’s a bad thing, let me share some of the many benefits we derive from them. Our gut bacteria synthesize vitamins for us, help us absorb nutrients, control our immune system and even produce compounds that impact mental health.

This amazing microbiome is comprised of many different types of bacteria, the balance of which influences our health. What determines the variety of bacteria we carry inside us? Primarily our diet, but also our lifestyle, the medications we take and environmental exposures.

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how to incorporate wellness into your day

How to Incorporate Wellness into Your Day

I think you would agree that daily workouts can be quite difficult to fit into a busy schedule. Have you thrown up your hands and abandoned this goal altogether?  The all-or-nothing mindset so common when considering exercise and other practices that benefit your body is harming your health. Let’s talk about how we can put that mindset to rest and how to incorporate wellness into your day.

Let’s start with the definition. A workout doesn’t have to mean an hour and a half of sweating at the gym.  Whew! There are ways to sprinkle wellness into your everyday life, and even into your workday.

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healthy alternatives to junk food cravings

Healthy Alternatives to Junk Food Cravings

Today I’m speaking specifically to breaking the junk food habit, beginning to eat more whole foods and including healthy alternatives to junk food cravings.

Breaking habits can be even harder than starting new habits — wouldn’t you agree?  Especially when those habits are related to your health. Let’s jump in!

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Your New Years Resolution List

Realistic New Years Resolution List

Does it seem to you that the years fly by faster each year? 2018 was no exception. We get wrapped up in our schedules – work, family, life – and before we know it, the seasons have passed and we’re making holiday plans again with our loved ones.

And how ’bout those New Year’s Resolutions?  We proudly proclaim them at the beginning of each year with the best of intentions.  We really mean to accomplish them, but nearly all of them fall flat before Spring, sometimes before the end of January.

There are many reasons why this happens. To stick with your resolutions – shall we call them goals? – you must be realistic about them. Here are some tips for creating your Realistic New Year’s Resolutions List you’ll actually keep so that you can celebrate successful change by December.

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How to Stop Stress Eating during the holidays

How to Stop Stress Eating during the holidays

Whether you celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwanza, the holidays can be a great time of joy for many. But for others, they are filled with anxiety and stress. Sometimes, even for those that love the family get-togethers, the stress of holiday shopping, finances, and hosting relatives can tear them apart. Let’s talk about ways to stop stress eating during the holidays and enjoy the happy activities and time with your family.

When stress hits at this time of year, it’s easy to turn to that tray of cookies for moral support. After all, cookies won’t criticize you about your life choices the way your family will.

But that’s not healthful … and you know it. Plus, you’ll feel even less joy when you realize you’ve undone this year’s hard work toward wellness. If you find the holidays cause you to gobble down more than you should as a way to cope with the stress, I am offering you these tips for curbing the stress eating before the first tray of cookies is introduced.

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How to have a stress free holiday

How to have a stress free holiday

The holiday season brings a great deal of joy and warmth.  There’s something extra special about this time of year — but it doesn’t come without challenges.  A great deal of added stress is seemingly dumped on our plates, and we find it hard to catch our breath.  The pressure of finding gifts, rushing around attending added events, hosting people at your home, visiting relatives you miss during the year and even having to deal with those that aren’t always a joy to be around. Maybe this is the time to talk about how to have a stress free holiday season?

This season really can be enjoyable and heart-warming, even with the stress involved.  Walking into this time of year with a great mindset and some helpful reminders gets me through every year… and I’d love to share my tips on how I do this with you.

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