
Do You Struggle With Holiday Blues?

Do You Struggle With Holiday Blues?

The Christmas season presents a wide array of stimulation for our senses. The music, images in commercials, colorful decorations, and the food … oh, the food. For many, these holiday hallmarks evoke joy in the season, but some struggle with holiday blues.

Surprisingly, a survey by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) shows that 64% of people experience holiday blues.

The holiday blues are “feelings of anxiety or depression during holidays that can be associated with extra stress, unrealistic expectations, or even memories that accompany the season.” These “blues” refer to sad feelings, yet those experiencing holiday blues may feel worried, frustrated, or even disappointed.

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Good For Them and For You!

Good For Them And For You!

What is your focus in these last few days before Thanksgiving? Have you set the menu for the meal and prepared your grocery list? Are your thoughts dominated by arrangements you need to make for guests, or perhaps the calorie overload that comes with the traditional feast?

Or perhaps you are one who thinks of where you will settle for your post-turkey nap?

All of these demands on your attention are significantly contributing to your stress level. This hinders your digestion, affects your heart and lung function, and makes you susceptible to viral illness.

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Add Some Fun to Your Fall

Add Some Fun To Your Fall

There are a variety of vitamins that have been identified as necessary for your body to function well. No doubt, you have heard of Vitamins A, C, D, E, and the many types of B vitamins. There are some that have not been recognized by science, yet they play an important part in our overall wellness.

I’m referring to Vitamin J (Joy), Vitamin G (Gratitude), Vitamin F (Fun) and more. Remember the old adage that “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”? It also contributes to a less than vibrant health. Vitamins J and F are key “nutrients” all year, but let’s explore some ways to add some fun to your fall.

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The Way You Breathe Matters

The Way You Breathe Matters

If you are reading this, you are breathing. We tend to take breathing for granted unless we are having difficulty – then it is all we can think about. Have you ever paid attention to how you breathe, whether through your nose or your mouth?

You may think it doesn’t matter because both routes provide air for your lungs. Actually, the way you breathe matters.

Your body’s primary means of breathing is your nose, with your mouth being the backup route to bring air into your lungs. But some of us grew up with restrictions to nasal breathing, such as allergies causing congestion or a deviated septum. As a result, it became a habit to breathe through our mouths.

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Habits That Benefit Everyone

Habits That Benefit Everyone

I had the honor of releasing a new book this past week. Thriving Through Cancer: A Whole-istic Approach for Your Journey, made its debut on Wednesday and was received with resounding positivity. Many of us know someone who has been diagnosed with cancer – whether friend, family member, or acquaintance. Yet even those who don’t […]

3 Steps That Support Wellness

3 Steps That Support Wellness

Do you view wellness as a challenge? In light of all the different messages you hear from the media, living in wellness could seem hard. Yet, from the functional perspective, seeking relief from symptoms or disease is relatively simple.

Now before you check out on me, let me clarify that reversing disease isn’t easy, but it is as simple as minimizing, maximizing, and prioritizing. Let me explain the functional approach to support the body’s healing process.

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7 Tips For Increasing Your Energy Naturally

7 Tips For Increasing Your Energy Naturally

Many new clients come to me saying “I am tired of feeling so tired all the time.” They may have tried different approaches but the benefit, if any, was temporary. Have you experienced this? Your body is a fascinating, complex organism. It needs support in many different ways. Here are 7 tips for increasing your energy naturally.

You have heard me promote some of these before because they are vital – meaning, important for your life. Choose one, or several, to begin supporting your body.

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6 Foods That Help You Sleep Better

6 Foods That Help You Sleep Better

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for your physical and mental health. Unfortunately, falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night can be challenging.

If you’re struggling to get a full eight hours, there are a number of ways to support your body. Here are some foods that can help you sleep better.

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Cultivating A Positive Perspective

Cultivating A Positive Perspective

Would you consider yourself a positive person? Would the people around you say that you were happy? The pressures of the holidays can magnify negative feelings or self-doubting thoughts. The good news … they don’t have to take root. Cultivating a positive perspective is quite possible.

I heard an interesting presentation recently by a neuroscientist who shared that our feelings generally last only 90 seconds. When we dwell on and rehearse a feeling, it can become a mood. It was a concept that caught my attention and resonated. It’s not wrong to have negative feelings, but it’s much better not to dwell on them.

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Dr Google Will Not Save You

Dr. Google Will Not Save You

What do you do when you have questions these days? You probably go online and search, like many people do every day.

“The latest data shows that Google processes over 99,000 searches every single second (Internet Live Stats, 2022).
This makes more than 8.5 billion searches a day (Internet Live Stats, 2022).”

What does this word mean? Where can I find this item? What causes specific symptoms? How can I relieve acid reflux?

We have so many questions. To be blunt, you cannot Google yourself to good health.

I don’t believe Google actually wants you well. If they did, your searches would lead you to information that gives you real answers. Sadly, the search results are doing the opposite.

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