
How Alcohol Affects Your Sleep

How Alcohol Affects Your Sleep

I know many who enjoy an alcoholic beverage at the end of a busy day. It may be a regular habit or an occasional one, but they use it to wind down. And then there are days of celebration when there may be even more alcohol involved. If you enjoy an alcoholic beverage to wind down, have you ever considered how alcohol affects your sleep?

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Snack Ideas For Your Summer Road Trip

Snack Ideas For Your Summer Road Trip

simpWherever your summer travels take you, finding healthy snacks for long car rides can be challenging. If you’re planning on spending an extended period in the car, you’ll want to plan for healthy options that will curb hunger without causing a sugar high. Here are some great snack ideas for your summer road trip.

The key to balancing your snack options is not to go for the flour-based processed snacks. These are designed to be appealing, but they boost blood sugar followed by a crash.

Consuming these carb-heavy snacks will make you hungry before you reach the next exit. The key to road-trip satiety is focusing on snacks that offer protein, fat, and fiber. Read more

Adopt Active Hobbies For Fitness

Adopt Active Hobbies For Fitness

Keeping ourselves moving goes way beyond routine gym sessions or obsessing over the number of daily steps you take. It’s about discovering the sheer joy that movement can bring to our lives.

Active hobbies provide a beautiful mix of pleasure and physical benefits. They turn what might often feel like a chore into something we look forward to. Whether it’s dancing in your living room, hiking through nature, or playing a sport just for fun – these activities add a vibrant layer of excitement to staying fit.

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Choose To Reduce Your Toxin Exposure

Choose To Reduce Your Toxin Exposure

When you hear the term “toxin” what do you picture in your head? It would be easier for us if all toxins were labeled with the skull and crossbones symbol, but that’s not the case.

Sadly, we all encounter toxins every day. Pursuing wellness means that you must choose to reduce your toxin exposure.

The unfortunate truth is that our world today is not set up for optimal health. There are many who are fighting for policy change, but it’s a challenge thanks to the incentives that flood our political system.

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Build Resilience Into Your Wellness Plan

Build Resilience Into Your Wellness Plan

What does resilience have to do with your health? It is actually foundational to navigating life well. When I speak of wellness, I don’t mean a total absence of sickness, but rather the body being able to rebound after a short period of sickness. This is very different than the experience of many who live with chronic disease which makes them more susceptible to germs that are shared in their communities. Follow these ideas to help build resilience into your wellness plan.

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10 Areas to Optimize Your Healthy Life

10 Areas To Optimize Your Healthy Life

What does a healthy life mean to you? For most people, “healthy” means not having nagging symptoms and having energy for life’s activities. There is a lot going on in our bodies that is not on our radar, yet we can influence its function positively with our choices. Yes, your choices make a huge difference!

Did you know that the average American spends the last decade or more of their lives in what I call the 4 D’s: diseased, depressed, disabled, or demented? Americans rank 83rd globally for living a healthy life. Yikes! That’s not the “norm” that I want to live, and I’m sure you would agree. Here are 10 areas to optimize your healthy life.

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Breathing Techniques for Inner Calm

5 Breathing Techniques For Inner Calm

Stress is recognized as a challenge to mental and physical health. The people we encounter each day have widely different stressors in their lives. Given the many ways that stress can hinder our bodies’ function, it is important to take steps to moderate stress and bring short moments of calm. For simplicity, try these 5 breathing techniques for inner calm.

5 Breathing Techniques For Inner Calm

When you recognize that your stress levels are rising, here are five powerful breathing techniques for inner calm. These methods are practical and easy to integrate into your busy schedule. Taking just a few minutes to practice, they offer an effective way to manage stress and restore peace in your daily life.

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Do You Struggle With Holiday Blues?

Do You Struggle With Holiday Blues?

The Christmas season presents a wide array of stimulation for our senses. The music, images in commercials, colorful decorations, and the food … oh, the food. For many, these holiday hallmarks evoke joy in the season, but some struggle with holiday blues.

Surprisingly, a survey by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) shows that 64% of people experience holiday blues.

The holiday blues are “feelings of anxiety or depression during holidays that can be associated with extra stress, unrealistic expectations, or even memories that accompany the season.” These “blues” refer to sad feelings, yet those experiencing holiday blues may feel worried, frustrated, or even disappointed.

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Good For Them and For You!

Good For Them And For You!

What is your focus in these last few days before Thanksgiving? Have you set the menu for the meal and prepared your grocery list? Are your thoughts dominated by arrangements you need to make for guests, or perhaps the calorie overload that comes with the traditional feast?

Or perhaps you are one who thinks of where you will settle for your post-turkey nap?

All of these demands on your attention are significantly contributing to your stress level. This hinders your digestion, affects your heart and lung function, and makes you susceptible to viral illness.

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Add Some Fun to Your Fall

Add Some Fun To Your Fall

There are a variety of vitamins that have been identified as necessary for your body to function well. No doubt, you have heard of Vitamins A, C, D, E, and the many types of B vitamins. There are some that have not been recognized by science, yet they play an important part in our overall wellness.

I’m referring to Vitamin J (Joy), Vitamin G (Gratitude), Vitamin F (Fun) and more. Remember the old adage that “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”? It also contributes to a less than vibrant health. Vitamins J and F are key “nutrients” all year, but let’s explore some ways to add some fun to your fall.

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