
Add Some Fun to Your Fall

Add Some Fun To Your Fall

There are a variety of vitamins that have been identified as necessary for your body to function well. No doubt, you have heard of Vitamins A, C, D, E, and the many types of B vitamins. There are some that have not been recognized by science, yet they play an important part in our overall wellness.

I’m referring to Vitamin J (Joy), Vitamin G (Gratitude), Vitamin F (Fun) and more. Remember the old adage that “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”? It also contributes to a less than vibrant health. Vitamins J and F are key “nutrients” all year, but let’s explore some ways to add some fun to your fall.

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Do your summer plans include a pool or beach and sunshine? Summer sun means you need protection and not all sunscreens are good for you.

Summer Sun Means You Need Protection

We are nearing the Memorial Day holiday, which many consider the official start of summer. Do your summer plans include a pool or beach and sunshine? Summer sun means you need protection. So how do you choose a sunscreen?

Time spent in the sunshine can be enjoyable and rejuvenating. Given that our skin uses sunlight to make vitamin D, that time is important for optimal health. After all, vitamin D isn’t made in skin covered with sunscreen. Did you know that vitamin D is a nutrient that acts as a hormone? It keeps inflammation in check, supports our immune system and bone health. Read more

Don't let the cold and dark of winter months deter you from exercise. Here are tips to get the most out of your winter workouts.

Get the Most Out of Your Winter Workouts

While the winter months are often cold, dark and rainy, don’t let that deter you from keeping an active lifestyle. If you prepare properly, you can get the most out of your winter workouts and enjoy it. Read more