
Protect Yourself When Taking Antibiotics

Protect Yourself When Taking Antibiotics

We have a bit of a love/hate relationship with bacteria. Many of us have grown up hearing adults warn us about germs – or bacteria. What we, and likely they, didn’t realize is that not all bacteria is bad for us.

In fact, there is a bustling community of bacteria, yeast, and viruses in our guts, and this community plays an important part in our health.

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Support Your Body in the Battle

Support Your Body In The Battle

We all have friends and family who have been diagnosed with cancer. The diagnosis started them on a journey that took them where they never thought they would go. When you have cancer, your medical team focuses on eradicating the tumor, but often there is little support for the rest of your body. I believe it is vital to support your body in the battle, whether with cancer or other threats to wellness.

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What’s D Got To Do With It?

What’s D Got To Do With It?

Since the pandemic, we’ve seen an increase in recommendations to boost Vitamin D. It was not an unknown vitamin until then. We have all heard that spending time in the sun could increase Vitamin D levels – but do you know why your level is important? Are you curious what’s D got to do with it?

Vitamin D is both a nutrient and a prohormone – a precursor to the hormone, calcitriol. It has many functions in the body touching the gut, bones, hormones, immune system, and gene expression. It’s an important part of healthy living.

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Is Depression A Challenge You Face?

Is Depression A Challenge You Face?

A mental health crisis is underway in the U.S. Depression is among the most common mental health issue with 21 million adults experiencing one or more major depressive episodes. A growing number of children and teens are also experiencing depression. Is depression a challenge you face?

Antidepressant medications remain a first-line treatment for depression, even though 2/3 of depressed patients don’t respond well to them. Many doctors are not recognizing the role that the gut plays in mood. Both the foods you eat and the balance of bacteria that reside in your gut affect your mood.

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Is Leaky Gut Real?

Is Leaky Gut Real?

I don’t know what image that question conjures in your mind, but I’m sure that you are aware that about 90% of all health issues can be traced back to the gut. If your home fence has a hole in it, you are likely to get unwanted visitors. Same with your gut.

Our guts are home to several trillion bacteria, collectively referred to as our gut microbiome. Lest you cringe and think that’s a bad thing, let me share some of the many benefits we derive from them. Our gut bacteria synthesize vitamins for us, help us absorb nutrients, control our immune system and even produce compounds that impact mental health.

This amazing microbiome is comprised of many different types of bacteria, the balance of which influences our health. What determines the variety of bacteria we carry inside us? Primarily our diet, but also our lifestyle, the medications we take and environmental exposures.

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How to Boost Your Immune System Without A Vaccine

How to Boost Your Immune System Without A Vaccine

Let’s talk about how to boost your immune system without a vaccine and get you through the rough allergy and cold seasons.

Many of us look forward to the cooler temperatures and colors that appear in nature with fall’s arrival, but not so much the illness that often comes with the change in season. Have you struggled with allergies, asthma, sinus infections, a perpetual cold, or been laid low with the flu? That last one took me down for the first time last season and I don’t plan to let it sneak up on me again.

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Summer Salads

Bowl of SaladRobust nourishment or calorie overload?

Salads are often recognized as a healthy food choice – whether you are eating at home or in a restaurant – and the types of foods that can be combined in a salad are quite varied.

However, many of the salads offered as entrees in restaurants could be more properly categorized as desserts when you consider the sugar content and total calories. Candied nuts, dried fruit, sweet salad dressings (especially the fat-free variety) come loaded with sugar that will sabotage your eating plan. Read more

Your Body Is Talking!

SignsAre You Receiving the Message?

We readily recognize many types of communication. There are spoken words, non-verbal sounds, song lyrics and many others. With practice, we recognize and comprehend many of these; yet there are other messages that you many not be comprehending.

The proliferation of processed foods in today’s diet causes vitamin deficiency, whether from not eating enough of the right foods or not absorbing them properly due to digestive issues. Read more

Your Health

girl-with-fruits-in-basketKey Factors I Want You to Know

Though we have thrown tons of money at the problem in recent decades, Americans are sicker than ever. Each of us knows someone who has a chronic health condition – such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, or depression – which are wreaking havoc on their mind, body, and wallet.

I engage individuals and families every day, counseling them about lifestyle adjustments that include nutrition, fitness, and rest to restore their wellness and revive their perspective on the future. Here are some of the top factors that I include when talking with them. Read more