
Unlock the Secrets of Longevity – Eat Like a Blue Zoner

Unlock the Secrets of Longevity – Eat Like a Blue Zoner

Have you heard of the term ‘Blue Zones’? It was coined by National Geographic journalist Dan Buettner that refers to areas renowned for their exceptional longevity and remarkably low rates of chronic diseases. These regions include Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Nicoya (Costa Rica), Ikaria (Greece), and Loma Linda (USA). Blue Zones have become the focus of extensive research to unlock the secrets of longevity and eat like a blue zoner.

Not surprisingly, a significant part of these secrets lies in their dietary habits. Let’s explore how to eat like a Blue Zoner.

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Don’t Simply Excuse Burps – Explore Them

Don’t Simply Excuse Burps – Explore Them

Do you find yourself having an issue with burping? It can be distressing. Most in the United States would not consider burping to be good manners or fitting a professional setting. But I suggest you don’t simply excuse burps. Instead, don’t simply excuse burps – explore them.

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4 Habits For Balancing Blood Sugar

4 Habits For Balancing Blood Sugar

You may think that balancing your blood sugar levels is a task reserved only for people with diabetes. While it is true that people with diabetes must closely monitor their blood sugar levels, the truth is that everyone should pay attention. That’s why we want to talk about 4 habits for balancing blood sugar.

Having high levels of glucose circulating in your body is damaging to blood vessels and kidneys. The body responds with insulin to escort the glucose into your cells where it can be used for fuel.

However, when there are recurring spikes of glucose throughout the day, your cells may turn down their receptivity and not accept the insulin or glucose. The alternative is for insulin to escort the glucose to be stored as fat.

I believe in being proactive with my health, so I take measures to balance my blood sugar and protect my body. Here are four tips for balancing blood sugar so that you have stable energy throughout the day.

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Habits That Benefit Everyone

Habits That Benefit Everyone

I had the honor of releasing a new book this past week. Thriving Through Cancer: A Whole-istic Approach for Your Journey, made its debut on Wednesday and was received with resounding positivity. Many of us know someone who has been diagnosed with cancer – whether friend, family member, or acquaintance. Yet even those who don’t […]

Stabilize Energy By Balancing Your Blood Sugar

Stabilize Energy By Balancing Your Blood Sugar

Many who have not been diagnosed with diabetes overlook the need to balance their blood sugar. They – perhaps you? – think that balancing blood sugar levels is a task reserved only for people with diabetes. While it is vital that people with diabetes closely monitor their blood sugar levels, the truth is that everyone should pay attention to their blood sugar levels. Here are some ways you can stabilize energy by balancing your blood sugar.

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From Junk Food to Healthy Eating: My Journey

From Junk Food to Healthy Eating: My Journey

Are you struggling to eat better and avoid junk foods? I know I was. My journey from a junk food upbringing was a long and bumpy journey. My friends made fun of me for always being sick. I often wonder whether I wouldn’t have had as many health problems if I were raised to eat better. Here’s how I went from junk food to healthy eating.

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3 Steps That Support Wellness

3 Steps That Support Wellness

Do you view wellness as a challenge? In light of all the different messages you hear from the media, living in wellness could seem hard. Yet, from the functional perspective, seeking relief from symptoms or disease is relatively simple.

Now before you check out on me, let me clarify that reversing disease isn’t easy, but it is as simple as minimizing, maximizing, and prioritizing. Let me explain the functional approach to support the body’s healing process.

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6 Foods That Help You Sleep Better

6 Foods That Help You Sleep Better

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for your physical and mental health. Unfortunately, falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night can be challenging.

If you’re struggling to get a full eight hours, there are a number of ways to support your body. Here are some foods that can help you sleep better.

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Restore Your Gut Health with the 5R Approach

Restore Your Gut Health With The 5R Approach

You may have been able to ignore digestive distress in the past, but I’m guessing that Thanksgiving made it a little more difficult. What are your digestive symptoms? Bloating, gas, indigestion, hiccups, pain, burping, or disrupted elimination? Many will simply take a medication for temporary relief, not realizing that their body is sending a cry for help. Let’s review ways to restore your gut health with the 5R approach.

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5 Healthy Holiday Side Dish Recipes

5 Healthy Holiday Side Dish Recipes

When it comes to holiday meals, what do you look forward to the most? Is it the meat that is served, or the side dishes? All the special dishes help fill out and complement the main courses, making every feast one to remember.

Even when shifting your food habits, you can still serve a memorable spread by incorporating these healthy holiday side dish recipes. Featuring fresh ingredients and creative flavors, these dishes are perfect for impressing your guests. Hope you’ll try some of these fantastic 5 healthy holiday side dish recipes.

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