
Snack Ideas For Your Summer Road Trip

Snack Ideas For Your Summer Road Trip

simpWherever your summer travels take you, finding healthy snacks for long car rides can be challenging. If you’re planning on spending an extended period in the car, you’ll want to plan for healthy options that will curb hunger without causing a sugar high. Here are some great snack ideas for your summer road trip.

The key to balancing your snack options is not to go for the flour-based processed snacks. These are designed to be appealing, but they boost blood sugar followed by a crash.

Consuming these carb-heavy snacks will make you hungry before you reach the next exit. The key to road-trip satiety is focusing on snacks that offer protein, fat, and fiber. Read more

Electrolytes: A Key Factor In Hydration

Electrolytes: A Key Factor in Hydration

I have written often about the importance of hydration. Drinking actual water without additives is vital for supplying your body with what plays an essential part in its function. Electrolytes play a key role in effective hydration. They are especially important in the summer when temperatures rise. Not only are we more likely to sweat, but increased activity will increase water loss.

Electrolytes are sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and magnesium. They regulate the electric charge and flow of water molecules across our cell membranes. In the process of doing this, they play a part in numerous body functions. Read more

Wellness Is More Than Diet And Exercise

Wellness Is More Than Diet And Exercise

Embarking on a journey toward healthy living is about so much more than just mastering your diet and fitting in regular workouts. Yes, nutrition and physical activity are considered to be cornerstones of good health. Yet wellness is more than diet and exercise.

When considering health, we tend to focus on the physical body, but wellness goes deeper – embrace a more rounded view of well-being. It’s time to recognize that full wellness includes our mental health, our relationships with others, and a sense of personal achievement.

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Got Belly Fat?

Got Belly Fat?

We like having curves, but not that kind. Frustrating as it is, belly fat doesn’t indicate a need for a diet. It is actually an indication of a deeper imbalance related to hormones. If you’ve got belly fat, your body is calling for help.

It is not unusual for belly fat to appear in women after the age of 50, even those who are otherwise skinny and athletic. And it isn’t just a women’s issue because men can develop belly fat, too.

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Your Gut Is Essential For Your Health

Your Gut Is Essential For Your Health

The holidays can be a time when we indulge in more than we normally would. More food, most likely more alcohol, more activities, and less sleep. All of these can contribute to feeling behind the curve as we enter the new year. Do you know what’s at the root of this feeling? It’s your gut. Your gut is essential for your health.

There are many things that influence your gut health. These are primarily related to what you put in your mouth – whether solid or liquid – as Dana learned recently when she reached out for my help.

Dana, a young wife and mother to a 4-year-old daughter, realized she was spiraling downward and knew she needed help. She reported that she wasn’t doing well even before the holidays, but since Thanksgiving had been feeling like it was all getting worse.

Her gut was not happy – indigestion was a common experience – so she often avoided food. She also wasn’t sleeping well, which made her groggy throughout the day. All the added Christmas festivities were making things worse, so she picked up her phone to send an SOS to me.

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Unlock the Secrets of Longevity – Eat Like a Blue Zoner

Unlock the Secrets of Longevity – Eat Like a Blue Zoner

Have you heard of the term ‘Blue Zones’? It was coined by National Geographic journalist Dan Buettner that refers to areas renowned for their exceptional longevity and remarkably low rates of chronic diseases. These regions include Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Nicoya (Costa Rica), Ikaria (Greece), and Loma Linda (USA). Blue Zones have become the focus of extensive research to unlock the secrets of longevity and eat like a blue zoner.

Not surprisingly, a significant part of these secrets lies in their dietary habits. Let’s explore how to eat like a Blue Zoner.

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Don’t Simply Excuse Burps – Explore Them

Don’t Simply Excuse Burps – Explore Them

Do you find yourself having an issue with burping? It can be distressing. Most in the United States would not consider burping to be good manners or fitting a professional setting. But I suggest you don’t simply excuse burps. Instead, don’t simply excuse burps – explore them.

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4 Habits For Balancing Blood Sugar

4 Habits For Balancing Blood Sugar

You may think that balancing your blood sugar levels is a task reserved only for people with diabetes. While it is true that people with diabetes must closely monitor their blood sugar levels, the truth is that everyone should pay attention. That’s why we want to talk about 4 habits for balancing blood sugar.

Having high levels of glucose circulating in your body is damaging to blood vessels and kidneys. The body responds with insulin to escort the glucose into your cells where it can be used for fuel.

However, when there are recurring spikes of glucose throughout the day, your cells may turn down their receptivity and not accept the insulin or glucose. The alternative is for insulin to escort the glucose to be stored as fat.

I believe in being proactive with my health, so I take measures to balance my blood sugar and protect my body. Here are four tips for balancing blood sugar so that you have stable energy throughout the day.

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Habits That Benefit Everyone

Habits That Benefit Everyone

I had the honor of releasing a new book this past week. Thriving Through Cancer: A Whole-istic Approach for Your Journey, made its debut on Wednesday and was received with resounding positivity. Many of us know someone who has been diagnosed with cancer – whether friend, family member, or acquaintance. Yet even those who don’t […]

Stabilize Energy By Balancing Your Blood Sugar

Stabilize Energy By Balancing Your Blood Sugar

Many who have not been diagnosed with diabetes overlook the need to balance their blood sugar. They – perhaps you? – think that balancing blood sugar levels is a task reserved only for people with diabetes. While it is vital that people with diabetes closely monitor their blood sugar levels, the truth is that everyone should pay attention to their blood sugar levels. Here are some ways you can stabilize energy by balancing your blood sugar.

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