
How Alcohol Affects Your Sleep

How Alcohol Affects Your Sleep

I know many who enjoy an alcoholic beverage at the end of a busy day. It may be a regular habit or an occasional one, but they use it to wind down. And then there are days of celebration when there may be even more alcohol involved. If you enjoy an alcoholic beverage to wind down, have you ever considered how alcohol affects your sleep?

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4 Habits For Balancing Blood Sugar

4 Habits For Balancing Blood Sugar

You may think that balancing your blood sugar levels is a task reserved only for people with diabetes. While it is true that people with diabetes must closely monitor their blood sugar levels, the truth is that everyone should pay attention. That’s why we want to talk about 4 habits for balancing blood sugar.

Having high levels of glucose circulating in your body is damaging to blood vessels and kidneys. The body responds with insulin to escort the glucose into your cells where it can be used for fuel.

However, when there are recurring spikes of glucose throughout the day, your cells may turn down their receptivity and not accept the insulin or glucose. The alternative is for insulin to escort the glucose to be stored as fat.

I believe in being proactive with my health, so I take measures to balance my blood sugar and protect my body. Here are four tips for balancing blood sugar so that you have stable energy throughout the day.

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Stabilize Energy By Balancing Your Blood Sugar

Stabilize Energy By Balancing Your Blood Sugar

Many who have not been diagnosed with diabetes overlook the need to balance their blood sugar. They – perhaps you? – think that balancing blood sugar levels is a task reserved only for people with diabetes. While it is vital that people with diabetes closely monitor their blood sugar levels, the truth is that everyone should pay attention to their blood sugar levels. Here are some ways you can stabilize energy by balancing your blood sugar.

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Insulin Resistance As The Starting Gate

Insulin Resistance As The Starting Gate

We all know someone with Type 2 Diabetes. What is their primary challenge? It’s common to think it is high blood sugar, but it is actually insulin resistance. What is the main issue for someone with cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure? Insulin resistance. What about frequent migraines, non-alcoholic fatty liver, osteoporosis, or infertility? You guessed it – insulin resistance. Are you beginning to see insulin resistance as the starting gate?

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Are Your Symptoms Aging or Inflammation?

Do you have a friend (or two) who claims that “getting old sucks?” Many struggle with growing numbers of symptoms that they attribute to aging, but few realize that most of those symptoms are actually caused by inflammation. What about you? Are your symptoms aging or inflammation?

I firmly believe that many of the symptoms we attribute to age are avoidable. Some call this inflammation that comes with (or accelerates) aging “inflammaging.” Yet there is good news! With proper nutrition and lifestyle strategies, you can slow this inflamm-aging process and reduce your risk of health issues. Read more

Moderating Stress Requires Knowing Its Sources

Stress. It would seem that its presence in our lives is a given. Even still, that doesn’t mean you have to yield to its effects without recourse.

Why the concern about stress? Because, we can’t escape its effects on our bodies and our health. Read more

How to Answer Carb Cravings

Even when you begin changing your eating habits for the better by incorporating cleaner foods and better practices, you can still fall victim to occasional carb cravings. Sometimes, we attribute these to a rough day at work or a stressful week of deadlines, but carb cravings can also come from physiological imbalances.

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EDIT Your Meal’s Courses

Healthy PlateYou’ve heard about the problems related to eating a diet full of processed carbohydrates or added sugars. Have you experienced the blood sugar spike and subsequent crash that brings hunger and cravings along with it? You may not have realized what was happening inside, but the result is the same.

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