Got Milk – Do You Really Need It?
Do you have a friend or family member who follows a dairy-free approach to eating? Does it seem like an odd choice – one that feels slightly un-American? Do you really need milk?
We’ve all seen the “Got Milk” commercials and print ads, and I’m sure you heard your Mom tell you to drink your milk for strong bones. But is milk truly beneficial to your body? Maybe, maybe not.
If have shared about food sensitivities in the past. Some of my clients test positive for allergies or sensitivities, and I recommend that they stop eating dairy completely while we evaluate whether their body is lacking necessary enzymes to digest dairy. Even if they don’t test positive, I may still recommend that they omit dairy for if any of these conditions exist:
Have Allergies, Asthma, or Chronic Sinus
Some individuals are susceptible to an increase in mucus production when consuming dairy foods. This doesn’t happen to everyone, hence the many blog articles you may find that claim this is a myth. But the scientific study I link here shows that it has been clearly demonstrated. The best way I know to determine whether it would affect a person’s body in this way is to eliminate dairy foods for a month and then reintroduce to observe any changes.
Have Estrogen-mediated Cancer
or significant hormone imbalance. Dairy foods are reproductive substances which contain substantial levels of hormones that can cause significant shifts in your own body’s hormone balance. It is best to be mindful of the many outside sources of hormones or substances the body reads as similar to hormones so that we don’t inadvertently contribute to dis-ease.
Have Chronically Loose Stools
This can be caused by your body’s insufficient production of lactase, an enzyme that helps to break down lactose from dairy-based foods. It has been estimated that 2/3 of the world’s population is lactose-intolerant. This can speed the motility of foods through the digestive system, resulting in poor absorption of nutrients.
Have High Levels of Inflammation
Dairy products can increase acidity in the body and stir the fire of inflammation. Already dealing with an inflammatory diagnosis? You can cool the fire by removing all dairy from your diet.
Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Those who struggle with IBS or IBD often find that diary-based foods cause flares in their symptoms due to hyper-fermentation of lactose.
Have you been focused on improving your wellness and felt as though you were missing something? I’ve seen simple adjustments like omitting dairy have a significantly beneficial effect.
Granted, an online search will present articles that assure you that dairy isn’t a problem. I would suggest you consider the source of these articles. Perhaps the dairy industry connected to the authors of those articles. Is there a conflict of interest?
Will elimination of dairy work for you? Only way to know for sure is to test it. I must be 100% elimination. Your body is immensely intelligent and knows when you consume even a “taste.” Could you benefit from the support of a coach? I’m here for you.
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