Do You Mind Your Bs?

Do You Mind Your Bs?

I’m referring to B Vitamins, which have a significant role in the proper function of your body. The mighty Bs support hormone production, mood, and mental health, as well as ongoing detoxification. It’s important you mind your Bs.

When I am working with clients, I am mindful of what nutrients they may be lacking. I consider their history as well as their current symptoms to guide me in what they may need. What might you be needing to replenish?

Thiamine (B1)

Those who drink alcohol frequently, heavy coffee drinkers and those taking sulfa and contraceptive medications are often low on Thiamine. Picky eaters who eat primarily carbohydrates are also in need of more Thiamine for clarity and energy.

Riboflavin (B2)

Do you experience eye fatigue, low energy, and/or have low thyroid function? B2 is vital for detoxification of toxins as well as metabolism of fatty acids for better energy.

Niacin (B3)

This is another vitamin that is important for detoxification as well as production of stomach acid for good digestion. Supporting the production of bile, Niacin aids in digestion and estrogen metabolism. Have a history of gallstones and acid reflux or GERD? Your body is calling for Niacin.

Pantothenic Acid (B5)

This is a busy B vitamin. If you have been through a long period of stress and feel depleted, you likely need B5. It is vital for production of steroid hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, and is foundational for detoxification. Experiencing fatigue, nausea, headaches, or tingling in your hands, your body is calling for B5.

Pyridoxine (B6)

B6 affects our mental and physical function, being one of the most mood-elevating effects of all B Vitamins. It activates many enzymes and aids absorption of B12. If low in B6, you may be very sensitive to pain, have anemia, signs of inflammation and acid reflux from low stomach acid. And if you have taken oral contraceptive medications, you are low.

Folate (B9)

Folate is considered a brain food and has direct mood-elevating properties. It breaks down homocysteine, a toxic and inflammatory agent produced in the liver if detoxification is not well supported. I have, as do several of my clients, genetic limitations in the use of Folate so it is key to have a good supply. Women in childbearing years need a good supply of Folate to ensure proper development of neural tubes in their babies.

Many consider Folic Acid and Folate to be interchangeable, yet Folic Acid is synthetic and not used effectively by the body. As genetic study has expanded, there is greater understanding that Folic Acid can fill receptors in cells and actually block access for Folate. Thus, I am leery of Folic Acid, preferring natural Folate.

Cobalamin (B12)

B12 is the most chemically complex of all vitamins, with different forms that have varying levels of effectiveness. Cyanocobalamin is least effective, while Methylcobalamin is readily absorbed. It supports energy levels, memory, and the ability to learn. Key in cardiovascular health, B12 plays a part with Folate in reducing homocysteine which causes chronic inflammation in heart conditions. Have you taken antacids or acid reflux medications? You are deficient – stomach acid is vital in digesting protein, from which we get B12 and many other important nutrients.

Supplements Could Be The Answer

My clients ask “how can I get these vitamins from food?” Sadly, we can’t always get what we need from the food we eat. This may be due to ineffective digestion or not eating the right foods. I often find that a good supplement is necessary, yet I suggest you not run out and buy what’s readily available.

I select supplements carefully, based on the ingredient forms. Feel you may be deficient? Reach out and I will share what I recommend.

Read more in this list about how supplements can be a good option for you! 

Kelly Lutman Pursue Wellness


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