How to Maximize Your Vitamin D Benefits

How to Maximize Your Vitamin D Benefits

Would you believe that a majority of American adults are considered deficient in vitamin D? Studies of pandemic cases have shown that those who experienced the strongest symptoms had low vitamin D levels. In light of the encouragement to boost our levels, I’d like to clarify how to maximize your vitamin D benefits.

How to Maximize Your Vitamin D Benefits

Vitamin D is considered by many to be both hormone and vitamin with a wide variety of benefits, including:

  • Aiding in Calcium absorption in bones
  • Supports the immune system
  • Promotes cardiovascular health
  • Supports health cell replication
  • Helps manage blood sugar levels

Have you had your Vitamin D levels measured recently? This serum lab test is key to knowing whether your body needs added support and can be requested from your doctor. Though reference ranges on most lab tests consider 30-100 ng/mL acceptable, the optimal level would be 40-60 ng/mL.

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Is Your Age Really Your Age

Is Your Age Really Your Age?

. Is your age really your age? It’s harder to see it in yourself, so think about your friends. There are likely some that look or act older than they are. And some that seem younger than their birthdate would indicate. Is it their face that doesn’t match that number, or is it their energy, and actions?

Perhaps it is actually their biological age, which measures the health of their cells and DNA instead.  If you’ve been tuned into health, it’s not a great leap to say your biological age matters more than your chronological one. But what is biological age and why is it important?

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10 Tips To Polish Your Crown

10 Tips To Polish Your Crown

Do you wear a crown each day? Not even the royals wear their bejeweled crowns daily, yet many would say your hair is the crown you never take off. I would say that is true for women. When you look in the mirror, are you satisfied, or would you be interested in 10 tips to polish your crown?

#1 Avoid mechanical damage.

Mechanical damage is anything that physically roughs up or harms the hair shaft. This is the leading cause of hair damage and hair loss. Sources of mechanical damage could include poorly quality brushes, brushing hair when wet, and using hair ties with metal or sharp edges that can damage hair.

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How To Avoid Environmental Toxins

How To Avoid Environmental Toxins

Spring is in the air, and I wonder whether you are enjoying the beauty outside as much as I am? I wonder, along with outdoor beauty, does spring conjure up thoughts of spring cleaning for you, or was that a different generation? Aside from an added focus on the nooks and crannies of your home, you might consider cleaning out some of the other hidden nasties and how to avoid environmental toxins.

I often share about the importance of eliminating toxins for your health, and I’m wondering if you know that their concentrations can be up to 5 times higher indoors than outside? And many of us spend up to 90 percent of our time indoors!

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5 Tips For Simplifying Your Eating Habits

5 Tips For Simplifying Your Eating Habits

Have you noticed that new diets and eating plans are introduced regularly, touting results that we all are seeking? Each new fad presents itself as “the one” yet what really works is a sustainable change to eating foods that fuel our bodies with needed nutrients. It’s actually far simpler than we are making it. Here are 5 Tips For Simplifying Your Eating Habits.

Eat More Raw, Whole Foods

Eating food in its most natural state is a great way to cut some time and stress from your mealtimes. For example, grab a boiled egg on your way out the door instead of breakfast at the coffee shop. Add some fresh veggies as a side at lunch instead of packing chips. Toss everything in a bowl to create a big salad for dinner instead of a complicated recipe or take-out. Read more

Could Your Liver Influence Your Allergies?

Could Your Liver Influence Your Allergies?

When you were young did you know a lot of people who had allergies? Were you in a classroom that wouldn’t allow peanut products because of the number of children who were at risk? Clearly, something has changed for allergies to become so common.

We are regularly subjected to toxins that put an increased burden on our liver. From chemicals used in agriculture to preservatives and fillers in our food. At home, there are multiplied chemicals used for hygiene and looking good, plus the chemicals we use to clean our homes.

Daily exposure to all these toxins triggers our immune system. Seasonal allergies are a sign that the immune system is on “hyper-alert” with chronic inflammation. They are also an indication that the liver is overburdened.

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Fitting Self-Care Into Your Busy Schedule

Fitting Self-Care Into Your Busy Schedule

Have you thought that your schedule was too busy to allow for self-care? All aspects of self-care – physical, emotional, and social – contribute to your overall wellbeing. Having a self-care routine decreases stress, lessens anxiety, and increases your feelings of happiness. Let’s face it … how can you maintain that busy schedule if you don’t refill your cup? It’s so important! Here are a few practical ways for fitting self-care into your busy schedule:

Take Care of Your Body

Exercising and eating healthy is not just something we do to prevent illness — it’s an integral part of your self-care routine. Treat your body right by feeding it nutritious and delicious food, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep at night. Get outside for some fresh air every day, even for just a few minutes. Taking care of your physical body also improves your mental wellbeing — so it will be worthwhile for you to emphasize getting this onto your daily schedule.

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Don't Worry Be Happy

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Are you happy? Happiness is a state of well-being and contentment. It not only affects your mood but also your health. The old song, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” warned about double trouble when worrying, so how do you choose happy?

The most important beginning step is to admit the fact that you really need changes in your life and behavior. You are the only one who can change your mood and your life.

Feed Your Brain

While many recognize the connection between lack of nutrition, sleep and hydration, and physical illness, most do not link mood changes to these deficiencies. Our mood is a result of biochemical processes which require the right resources.

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Have a heart for your heart

Have A Heart For Your Heart

If February had a symbol, it would be a red heart. While it is beneficial to raise awareness of heart health, I believe it’s an area of health that should be consistently reviewed. Heart disease is the #1 killer in the US. Do you have a heart for your heart?

Have A Heart For Your Heart

As a Functional Medicine practitioner, I look at root causes. The standard American diet and a sedentary lifestyle are key players in heart disease because they lead to the physiological issues that put us at risk. Knowing about these and making choices to correct them will put you on a better path.

Chronic Inflammation – this plays a role in almost every chronic disease people have today. Inflammation is caused by excessive oxidative stress on our cells (think rust) which hinders the function of our mitochondria (energy factories). The heart has one of the highest concentrations of mitochondria of our organs, so it suffers the effects of inflammation more quickly.

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Be The Voice For Your Thyroid

Be The Voice For Your Thyroid

I see an increasing number of people with symptoms that they think are just part of getting old. But those nagging symptoms may be their body’s cry for support, no matter what their age.

When I was in school for integrative nutrition, I began to realize my body was sending me signals. I was cold no matter what the season, my hair was thinning as were the outer third of my eyebrows. And then there was the brain fog, low blood pressure, stubborn weight gain, dry skin, and history of PMS.

Do I Have A Thyroid Problem?

One area that is often overlooked is the small butterfly-shaped thyroid in your throat. This little gland is your body’s regulator. When it isn’t working well, many functions in your body can seem sluggish.

I suspected my thyroid and took the normal approach – making an appointment to see my doctor for lab work and physical. With those completed, my doctor’s conclusion was “you’re fine.” But I walked out of the office reviewing my symptoms, which had not been acknowledged and thinking there’s more to learn.

You see, the only thyroid-focused marker that had been run was Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. TSH is not actually a thyroid hormone but is released by the pituitary to signal the thyroid to release T4. It is not a reliable measure of thyroid hormone in your body.

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