Insulin Resistance As The Starting Gate

Insulin Resistance As The Starting Gate

We all know someone with Type 2 Diabetes. What is their primary challenge? It’s common to think it is high blood sugar, but it is actually insulin resistance. What is the main issue for someone with cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure? Insulin resistance. What about frequent migraines, non-alcoholic fatty liver, osteoporosis, or infertility? You guessed it – insulin resistance. Are you beginning to see insulin resistance as the starting gate?

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Dr Google Will Not Save You

Dr. Google Will Not Save You

What do you do when you have questions these days? You probably go online and search, like many people do every day.

“The latest data shows that Google processes over 99,000 searches every single second (Internet Live Stats, 2022).
This makes more than 8.5 billion searches a day (Internet Live Stats, 2022).”

What does this word mean? Where can I find this item? What causes specific symptoms? How can I relieve acid reflux?

We have so many questions. To be blunt, you cannot Google yourself to good health.

I don’t believe Google actually wants you well. If they did, your searches would lead you to information that gives you real answers. Sadly, the search results are doing the opposite.

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5 Benefits of Yoga and Meditation

5 Benefits Of Yoga And Meditation

We all have a lot on our plates. You may work long hours in a business where you are responsible for the needs of your company, employees, and customers. Or you may work even longer hours in your home, raising a family.

It is all too easy to neglect your own health and self-care, which can be detrimental to your goals. There are several reasons you should consider beginning a yoga or meditation practice as part of your plan for success.

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Fall Into A Healthier Routine

Fall Into A Healthier Routine

As fall approaches the leaves are changing color, the air is getting cooler, and it’s officially time to start the transition into autumn. This can be a difficult time for many people who are used to enjoying the summer sun and activities, but autumn brings its own unique set of delights. You can fall into a healthier routine.

One of the best things about autumn is that it’s a great time to reset your routine and start fresh. If you feel like you need a change, now is the perfect time to make some adjustments to your wellness routine. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

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The Many Causes of Cravings

The Many Causes of Cravings

Do you experience cravings? Not surprising that many of my clients do. What surprises them is to learn that not all cravings are the body’s need for food. There are many causes of cravings.

The body is amazing in its ability to maintain itself. It knows when to sleep and when to wake. Your heart beats and lungs breathe without needing any effort on your part.

And yes, you may experience cravings, but instead of responding by going to the pantry or refrigerator, pause and listen. Deconstruct your cravings by asking what does my body want and why?

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Discover The Joys Of Cooking Healthful Foods

Cooking gets a bad rap. When I encourage my clients to cook real food, I hear a lot of excuses like it’s time-consuming, difficult, or inconvenient. Would you believe that Americans spend more time watching cooking shows on TV than actually cooking in their kitchens? Many are living on processed and fast foods, and our younger generations don’t know how to cook. I’d like to help you discover the joys of cooking healthful foods.

Did you cook in the kitchen with your mother or grandmother? Cooking is an act of love that strengthens relationships and can support wellness. The process of cooking teaches life skills to your children who need to know how to follow a recipe and create a meal that offers balanced nutrition. Cooking is also an important first step in good digestion and nourishing your body.

Whatever your experience in the kitchen, these strategies simplify the process and encourage healthful cooking in a way that even the busiest novice can enjoy.

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7 Nutrient-Dense Foods To Fuel Healthy Function

7 Nutrient-Dense Foods To Fuel Healthy Function

When seeking to improve your health, I always recommend starting with what you eat. It can be confusing with so many diets and nutrition plans. Good news –  you don’t always have to start with a “diet.” Simply assess the foods you are currently eating and swap out the processed carbs for nutrient-dense foods to fuel healthy function. Packed with nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fats, and antioxidants, these foods will help so you feel great. Here we talk about 7 nutrient-dense foods to fuel healthy function.

Stock your kitchen with some of these foods next time you’re at the grocery store:

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like wild-caught salmon, halibut or cod have a rich concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, which help your body function optimally. It also has large amounts of potassium, selenium, B vitamins, and magnesium, making it a great source of nutrition for lunch or dinner. Farmed fish does not offer the same nutrients, so choose wild-caught.

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Is Depression A Challenge You Face?

Is Depression A Challenge You Face?

A mental health crisis is underway in the U.S. Depression is among the most common mental health issue with 21 million adults experiencing one or more major depressive episodes. A growing number of children and teens are also experiencing depression. Is depression a challenge you face?

Antidepressant medications remain a first-line treatment for depression, even though 2/3 of depressed patients don’t respond well to them. Many doctors are not recognizing the role that the gut plays in mood. Both the foods you eat and the balance of bacteria that reside in your gut affect your mood.

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Move Your Lymph

Move Your Lymph

Most everyone is familiar with the cardiovascular system that helps to pump blood to the body’s tissues. Did you know there is another series of vessels that carry a clear liquid called lymph? It’s important to move your lymph to improve your health.

Move Your Lymph

While nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the body through blood, lymph has the task of collecting waste, toxins, and debris while also distributing immune cells through the body. Keeping your lymph flowing smoothly is critical for your body’s wellbeing.

Your lymphatic system is a network of vessels and lymph nodes working together to carry fluids from your tissues to your blood. It is basically your body’s inner drainage system.

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How to Stay Healthy While You're Traveling

How to Stay Healthy While You’re Traveling

Traveling is once again becoming a part of life, whether traveling for work or visiting family, or traveling for pleasure to explore new places. Traveling can take a toll on our bodies when eating out more often, sleeping in a different location, and being off our schedule. With some strategy, it’s easier than you think to take care of your physical and mental health while traveling. Here are some tips on how to stay healthy while you’re traveling. 

Walk Around 

The best way to explore a new place is to walk around. The next time you’re on a trip, ditch the public transportation and taxis and get your steps in instead. Walking is an excellent form of exercise, which helps keep your heart healthy and your joints moving comfortably. You’ll be surprised how many amazing sights, delicious restaurants, and fun spots you’ll discover that you would have never found otherwise.

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