Edit Your Food Additives

Salt Shaker PouringWhat is a standard feature of your kitchen or dining room table? Do you have salt and pepper shakers on your table at home, or are you nervous about the effect of salt on your health?

I would agree that too much salt is not good for you, provided we are talking about the chemically-produced table salt that is added to most processed foods, meats and snacks.

Table salt – which is 97% sodium chloride – is chemically produced, bleached and devoid of most other nutrients. Would you be surprised to know that table salt also contains aluminum, which is counted among the heavy metals that can wreak havoc in the body? Table salt is not naturally occurring, and in fact, when salt-water fish are placed in salt water made with table salt … they die.
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Edit Your Nutrients With Color

Red-Fruits-And-Vegetables-300x130In my last newsletter we began to talk about the color of our foods. Have you noticed the colors on your plate more frequently since I brought up the subject?

Perhaps you have been adding more colors to your meals. If so, I’m delighted, and would love to hear what you have been eating and whether you can tell any difference in your energy level or taste.

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Edit the Colors on Your Plate

purple-vegetablesThink back over the meals you ate over the past several days. Can you picture them in your mind? What colors were on your plate?

Why does that matter? Because the color of your food is an indicator of the nutrients that are provided. Contrary to popular opinion, nutrients are the reason you eat. At least that is what your body is seeking.
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Edit the Balance of Your Plate, part 2

Kelly and PlateIn my last post we started a conversation about balancing your plate. Let’s finish that balancing act.

We talked about macronutrients – that big word that refers to the fat, protein, and carbohydrates that are required in large amounts in the human diet. You knew that protein was important, but were you surprised to find out that fat was also important?

So let’s talk about the last part of the macronutrient balancing act – carbohydrates. Do you consider carbohydrates to be good or bad? In many ways, I believe they are quite misunderstood.
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Edit the Balance of Your Plate

PrintIf I mention “balancing your plate” are you picturing a plate spinning on a stick, or just sitting steadily on the tip of your finger? Relax. That’s not what I mean.

I’m not talking about balancing the plate itself, but rather the contents of the plate … your food. And I’m referring to balancing the macronutrients that make up your meal.

Macronutrients is a big word that means “a type of food (e.g., fat, protein, carbohydrate) required in large amounts in the human diet.”

Whoa! What jumps out to you as being outside our normal expectations these days? Notice that fat is noted as a food that we require in large amounts? That’s NOT what the media have been advocating for the past several decades. Read more

EDIT Your Pace

Slow DownHave you been through military boot camp? I haven’t, but I have many family members who have. One thing I have heard consistently is that during boot camp eating meals was not given priority on the schedule, and the DI’s attitude was usually “eat now, taste it later.” Which they often did. Burp!
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EDIT Your Meal’s Courses

Healthy PlateYou’ve heard about the problems related to eating a diet full of processed carbohydrates or added sugars. Have you experienced the blood sugar spike and subsequent crash that brings hunger and cravings along with it? You may not have realized what was happening inside, but the result is the same.

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EDIT Your Approach When Eating Out

eating-out-guideWe’ve all had those days. A full schedule at work with meetings through lunch or right up until time to leave your office. There was no time to run your errands during lunch, so you need to make a few stops on the way home. Or perhaps one of the kids has practice and you need to hurry home to pick them up and deliver them to the gym. You were rushed trying to get out of the house this morning so you didn’t pull anything out of the freezer to defrost. Where will you get dinner?

I get it. Your time is limited, yet the family is still hungry, so what restaurant will be feeding you tonight?

May I suggest that you choose one that has real vegetables on the menu – something other than French fries and a smattering of lettuce decorating a patty? Read more

EDIT Your Place Settings

Diet-EditMy goal this year is to walk you through the process of editing your approach to eating in order to support improved wellness. I know … I may be making you nervous, but my intent is to coach you through a series of gentle adjustments … EDITS … that will contribute to your wellbeing.

There are many habits that have crept into our culture over the years. One area that has had a significant affect on our waistline is serving size.

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Ditch Resolutions and Diets!

brand new endingThe first days of a new year! You have a clean page on the calendar and 12 months ahead of you. Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Here we are five days into 2016 … are you still on track with them?

New Year’s resolutions seem to carry a connotation of short-term failure with them. I often hear people joking about the resolution that lasted mere days – or hours. Why is that? I have a few theories: Read more