Time to Change the Oil!

1415890We’ve lived with messages promoting eating low-fat or fat free foods for decades. Saturated fats seem to have drawn the majority of disparaging remarks, and many doctors continue to echo the theory that they should be avoided, despite many studies disproving the idea.

Would you like to feel free to consume foods containing fat without fear that you will get fat? Read on, and I will share what fat sources are beneficial, what to avoid, and how to ensure that they are able to be used properly for fuel in your body. Read more

Edit Your Breathing Pattern

Breathe InThere are many things in life that we take for granted. That the light will turn on when we flip the switch, that you have the freedom to choose how you will live today, and that the sun will rise each morning, to name just a few.

Many things happen without our having to coordinate them, and that’s a good thing. When you are focused on a very busy day, it’s nice to know that you will continue to breathe without having to think. Yet how effectively are you breathing in that situation?

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Edit For Next Level Benefits

Clean MealIf you have been incorporating the edits that I have shared with you over the recent months, you are eating better and should be reaping the benefits. Are you satisfied where you are, or would you like more?

Let’s explore additional ways you can take the nutrition of your meals to the next level. Doing so will involve adjustments related to choosing, cooking and serving.

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Edit Your Sweetness

Sweet TreatsHave you ever been put on a bland diet for medical reasons? Perhaps you had surgery or your digestive system needed a break, I have no doubt that you found the foods you were allowed to eat to be less than exciting.

Let’s face it. We like favor. Food manufacturers focus on that fact, often using it against us by creating foods with chemical additives that are designed to make us want to eat more than normal. This would include products with slogans such as “nobody can eat just one.”

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Edit Your Choice of Liquids

Lemon and WaterNo matter what your ancestry, blood type, height or personality, there is one prominent feature that your body shares with all humanity. Your body is 50-65% water. How simple could it be?

Water is a primary feature in your body’s many functions. That makes it vital for your health.

What do you drink on a regular basis? Most of us would say that all of our beverages are water-based. Coffee and tea are made with water. Even fruit has a high percentage of water, so fruit juice has a water base. These fill the need, right? But are all beverages recognized by your body as water? Read more

Edit Your Food Additives, part 2

Parsley Sage Rosemary ThymeWe’ve been talking about different ways you can edit your foods, as well as the way you approach meals, for a while now. Most recently, the topic has been ways to edit the flavor of your food beyond using the salt and pepper shakers that are commonly found on our tables. What edits have you tried recently? Have you found a new flavor you like? Let’s explore some more options ….  Read more

Edit Your Food Additives

Salt Shaker PouringWhat is a standard feature of your kitchen or dining room table? Do you have salt and pepper shakers on your table at home, or are you nervous about the effect of salt on your health?

I would agree that too much salt is not good for you, provided we are talking about the chemically-produced table salt that is added to most processed foods, meats and snacks.

Table salt – which is 97% sodium chloride – is chemically produced, bleached and devoid of most other nutrients. Would you be surprised to know that table salt also contains aluminum, which is counted among the heavy metals that can wreak havoc in the body? Table salt is not naturally occurring, and in fact, when salt-water fish are placed in salt water made with table salt … they die.
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Edit Your Nutrients With Color

Red-Fruits-And-Vegetables-300x130In my last newsletter we began to talk about the color of our foods. Have you noticed the colors on your plate more frequently since I brought up the subject?

Perhaps you have been adding more colors to your meals. If so, I’m delighted, and would love to hear what you have been eating and whether you can tell any difference in your energy level or taste.

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Edit the Colors on Your Plate

purple-vegetablesThink back over the meals you ate over the past several days. Can you picture them in your mind? What colors were on your plate?

Why does that matter? Because the color of your food is an indicator of the nutrients that are provided. Contrary to popular opinion, nutrients are the reason you eat. At least that is what your body is seeking.
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Edit the Balance of Your Plate, part 2

Kelly and PlateIn my last post we started a conversation about balancing your plate. Let’s finish that balancing act.

We talked about macronutrients – that big word that refers to the fat, protein, and carbohydrates that are required in large amounts in the human diet. You knew that protein was important, but were you surprised to find out that fat was also important?

So let’s talk about the last part of the macronutrient balancing act – carbohydrates. Do you consider carbohydrates to be good or bad? In many ways, I believe they are quite misunderstood.
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