We have come through a holiday which is focused on giving thanks. Have you discovered the power of words on your life? Gratitude and praise lift the spirit.

The Power of Words on Your Life

We have just come through a holiday which is focused on gratitude, on giving thanks. Have you discovered the power of words on your life? Gratitude and praise lift the spirit. And do you remember the effect of hurtful words when you were a child … or even recently? Did they crush your spirit?

In his book, Love as a Way of Life, Gary Chapman uses an effective metaphor for words as being either bullets or seeds. When we speak with condemnation, our words act as bullets, tearing down relationships. Yet when we use our words as seeds, spoken in a supportive manner with good will for our audience, we are building relationship in positive, affirming ways. Read more

Thanksgiving was established in gratitude for overcoming challenges. With Thanksgiving approaching in this very challenging year, an attitude of gratitude is healthful.

An Attitude of Gratitude is Healthful

The Thanksgiving holiday was established to commemorate our gratitude for overcoming challenges as people settled America. With Thanksgiving approaching in this very challenging year, isn’t it even more appropriate to be grateful? After all, an attitude of gratitude is healthful.

In fact, gratitude may be one of the most overlooked tools for wellness that anyone can access. Cultivating gratitude doesn’t cost any money and it certainly doesn’t take much time, but the benefits are enormous. Read more

Many women and men don't realize that what we put on our skin is absorbed. Yes, it's more than just skin deep!

It’s More Than Just Skin Deep!

I’m sure that you’ve heard that your skin is your body’s largest organ. What many women and men don’t realize is that what we put on our skin is absorbed. Yes, it’s more than just skin deep!

Why is this important? Because of the ingredients that may be hiding in your personal hygiene and makeup products. There are many that are troublesome to your body. Read more

How Stress Affects Your Health

Unless you are hidden away in a mountain retreat, I’m quite certain that you are feeling the effects of stress. We are aware of those moments when stress hits, and the physical and mental feelings it brings. Yet there’s a good chance that you are not aware of how stress affects your health.

You may think that decreased productivity at work, trouble sleeping, anger, headaches, and your frequent trips to the bathroom are separate issues. In reality they are all common signs and symptoms of stress. Read more

When faced with uncertainty related to disease risk, how do you respond? I believe you need vitamins to boost your immune function.

Vitamins Boost Your Immune Function

When faced with uncertainty related to disease risk, how do you respond? Most of us follow recommendations to wash our hands and isolate from others and wear face masks when in public. Is that enough? I believe you need vitamins to boost your immune function.

Washing your hands is very effective against bacteria and viruses. You don’t need antibacterial soap – the traditional form will work quite well. In fact, I don’t recommend using a lot of antibacterial products because they destroy the microbiome on your skin. That microbiome is part of your protective barrier, and exposure to your environment informs your immune system. Read more

Flavor And Health Benefits From Autumn Herbs

One of my favorite parts of autumn is the aromas that are specific to the season. The warming spices, curries, and pumpkin — there’s something so comforting about these scents. Interestingly, the herbs and spices we rely on for flavoring our fall cooking have some incredible health benefits. Flavor, aroma and health benefits from autumn herbs – that’s a win! Read more

With fall approaching, we can can expect cooler temperatures and a potential increase in viral threats. It's vital to boost the army within.

Boost Your Internal Army

With the approach of fall, we can look forward to cooler temperatures, the holidays, and sadly, a potential increase in viral threats, such as flu and it’s cousin, Covid-19. I don’t address this to depress you, but rather to encourage you to take steps to prepare yourself.

I’m not encouraging you to seek out a vaccine either. Rather, I am encouraging you to focus on strengthening your inner army – your immune system. It has far more influendce on your overall health than you likely realize. You have the power to strengthen it with your daily choices, and I’d like to outline the primary areas for you. Read more

Anyone who experiences this pain would want to find relief from migraines.

Find Relief From Migraines

Nobody wants to experience a headache, much less a migraine. This most intense form of headache is known to have other symptoms such as nausea, numbness or tingling, difficulty with speech, and light sensitivity. They can certainly be debilitating and any who suffer would want to find relief from migraines.

There are a variety of medications that are used to “treat” migraines. Unfortunately, they also can have major, long term effects on the gastrointestinal tract which can then create disease elsewhere. Read more

Have You Got A Gallbladder?

We are rarely aware of bile’s vital function in our bodies. It’s certainly not a sexy topic, or one that we often discuss with our doctor; yet it has a unique role in keeping balance in our digestive system. Have you got a gallbladder? Whether you do or not, knowing its purpose is more important than you may realize. Read more

When taking a walk in nature, you experience the benefit of forest bathing.

Experience the Benefit of Forest Bathing

When you are feeling the effects of growing stress levels pressing down on you, what do you do for relief? If taking a walk in nature has been a practice, you already experience the benefit of forest bathing or Shinrin-yoku.

This ancient practice of visiting a forest and breathing in its air is used as a natural remedy for mounting stress and mental fatigue. The point is to take a trip into the forest to soak in and fully experience your surroundings. Read more