
Do you find yourself drawn to sweets? It is possible to tame your sweet tooth by employing these strategies and you'll have better energy.

Tame Your Sweet Tooth For Consistent Energy

Do you find yourself drawn to sweets when you see them? If you have a sweet tooth, you know how difficult it is to resist. Sugar is a very addictive substance, and eliminating it is not easy. Yet I’m happy to say that it is possible to tame your sweet tooth by employing some strategies.

Remove the Temptation

Stop buying those sweet treats to stock your pantry – or your desk. If it’s not easily accessible, you are less likely to eat it.  Discover nature’s natural sweets with fruit that provide nutrients along with the sweet taste – eat the fruit rather than drinking juice to reduce the effect of sugar on your body. Berries are low in sugar and are full of beneficial antioxidants. Cinnamon is a fantastic spice that makes your food taste sweeter without added sugar. It even helps regulate blood sugar levels. Read more