
How to Answer Carb Cravings

Even when you begin changing your eating habits for the better by incorporating cleaner foods and better practices, you can still fall victim to occasional carb cravings. Sometimes, we attribute these to a rough day at work or a stressful week of deadlines, but carb cravings can also come from physiological imbalances.

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Which System Is Dominant?

On your average day, I’m guessing that you are most concerned about getting through your plans, with little thought to how your body is managing in the process.

While there are numerous systems that function as a part of your overall body, there are two primary nervous systems that can have a significant affect. These are the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous symptoms.

Fancy names, but what do these systems do? If you have heard the phrase “fight or flight” you have actually heard the nickname of the sympathetic nervous system. Read more