
EDIT Your Approach When Eating Out

eating-out-guideWe’ve all had those days. A full schedule at work with meetings through lunch or right up until time to leave your office. There was no time to run your errands during lunch, so you need to make a few stops on the way home. Or perhaps one of the kids has practice and you need to hurry home to pick them up and deliver them to the gym. You were rushed trying to get out of the house this morning so you didn’t pull anything out of the freezer to defrost. Where will you get dinner?

I get it. Your time is limited, yet the family is still hungry, so what restaurant will be feeding you tonight?

May I suggest that you choose one that has real vegetables on the menu – something other than French fries and a smattering of lettuce decorating a patty? Read more

Edit Versus Diet

Diet-EditScramble the Letters for Success

I’m not sure there is an adult in America who hasn’t dieted at least once in their life, and the majority may have trouble counting the number of times on their fingers.

Think back to the last one or two times. If you did lose weight, did it stay off or creep back on in the weeks following the diet? Why …. Read more