
You Can Counter Seasonal Mood Changes Naturally

You Can Counter Seasonal Mood Changes Naturally

Fall and winter bring shorter days. During this time of year, many people experience periods of sadness or feeling unlike their usual selves. These mood changes often begin and end when the seasons change. You can counter seasonal mood changes naturally, without getting caught up in antidepressant medications.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression characterized by a recurrent seasonal pattern. Most people with this challenge report seasonal depression, fatigue, and/or low mood.

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Should You Eliminate Gluten?

Do you know someone who has eliminated gluten from their diet? Have you considered exploring this approach for yourself, or do you consider it going overboard? Why should you eliminate gluten?

I’ve written about the potential issues of consuming wheat-based foods in the past. To recap, the greatest concerns are the increased concentration of gluten in our modern wheat, and the use of glyphosate on wheat fields prior to harvest. That means that each bite of wheat comes with a dose of glyphosate. Read more