When faced with uncertainty related to disease risk, how do you respond? I believe you need vitamins to boost your immune function.

Vitamins Boost Your Immune Function

When faced with uncertainty related to disease risk, how do you respond? Most of us follow recommendations to wash our hands and isolate from others and wear face masks when in public. Is that enough? I believe you need vitamins to boost your immune function.

Washing your hands is very effective against bacteria and viruses. You don’t need antibacterial soap – the traditional form will work quite well. In fact, I don’t recommend using a lot of antibacterial products because they destroy the microbiome on your skin. That microbiome is part of your protective barrier, and exposure to your environment informs your immune system. Read more

Anyone who experiences this pain would want to find relief from migraines.

Find Relief From Migraines

Nobody wants to experience a headache, much less a migraine. This most intense form of headache is known to have other symptoms such as nausea, numbness or tingling, difficulty with speech, and light sensitivity. They can certainly be debilitating and any who suffer would want to find relief from migraines.

There are a variety of medications that are used to “treat” migraines. Unfortunately, they also can have major, long term effects on the gastrointestinal tract which can then create disease elsewhere. Read more

Protect yourself from the damaging effects of chlorine

Protect Yourself From The Damaging Effects of Chlorine

Does summer time normally involve time spent in the pool to cool off, exercise or keep the kids busy? Most of us are careful about sunscreen to protect from burns. But what are you doing to protect yourself from the damaging effects of chlorine?

When I was young, our normal practice was to rinse off when we came out of the pool in order to remove chlorine and other pool chemicals from our skin. What I have learned since then is that what our skin is exposed to for more than 20 seconds is absorbed. That means a rinse after an hour or so playing in the water didn’t really protect us. We need to work from the inside. Read more

Maintaining a healthy diet during a crisis is vital for supporting your immune system. Eating nutrient-dense foods is the foundation.

Eating Nutrient-Dense Food?

How has your life changed in the last weeks since we have been pressed to shelter at home? Have board games or puzzles provided a renewed source of entertainment? Are you cooking more meals yourself and eating nutrient-dense food?

During COVID-19 and beyond, eating a healthful diet is more important than ever. When you anticipate a battle, you want to be sure your army is up for the fight. That would be your immune system. Michael Pollan has said that cooking and preparing our food is more than half the battle when it comes to eating well. Read more

What’s the Condition of Your Battleground?

The battle against COVID-19 rages on. Most of us now know someone who has tested positive for the virus or, sadly, has passed away. We continue to practice social distancing and stay in our homes, though it pains us to be apart from family and friends.

Have you found your perspective changing with regard to the virus? In the early days we scoured the internet for tips on fighting this unseen enemy. You may have increased your Vitamin C, and begun a regular practice of disinfecting your home. Read more

If you supplement your nutrient intake to fill gaps, you may wonder how and when it is best to take them for greatest benefit.

Timing For Supplements ….

Are you one of the growing numbers of Americans who are recognizing the need to supplement your nutrient intake? Have you explored how to take them for best effect?

I do meet people that believe supplements are unnecessary. These have often accepted the media reports that vitamins don’t work, or questioning whether the FDA has approved them. I won’t take the time in this newsletter to fully refute these positions. Suffice it to say, the media was reporting on studies that were done using synthetic vitamins. The body doesn’t recognize or use synthetic vitamins well. Bioavailable forms are absorbed and provide benefits. Read more

Is Fruit Juice Really Healthy

Is Fruit Juice Healthy or a Problem?

Did you grow up drinking a glass of juice with your breakfast? Perhaps you still drink it, along with your coffee. After all, a glass of OJ means a boost of Vitamin C, right? But is fruit juice really healthy?

I once thought – as you may have – that juice was a healthier choice over sodas and processed sugary drinks. In truth, juice purchased from the store, is quite close to a drink made of liquid sugar. Read more

Magnesium Is A Nutrient Powerhouse

Magnesium Is A Nutritional Powerhouse

Do you remember much of the periodic table of elements from Chemistry class? Though I never learned the elements in high school, I’m gaining more respect for them these days. Especially #12 – magnesium. Magnesium is a nutritional powerhouse.

If you’ve played on a sports team, I’m sure you’ve experienced the normal dynamics of a couple leading players and many supporting ones. Magnesium is a supporting player that many of us are lacking.
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Are You Disrupting Your Metabolism?

Are You Disrupting Your Metabolism?

If your metabolism is running at a healthy level, it burns off your calories and keeps you feeling energized. Exercise and plenty of sleep help your metabolism function optimally, but are you disrupting your metabolism with certain foods you eat?

These foods could be reducing the metabolic fire you count on to keep things running optimally. Read more

Are There Poor Quality Ingredients In Your Multivitamin

Are There Poor Quality Ingredients In Your Multivitamin?

Fruits and vegetables have less to offer us nutritionally than they did a few decades ago. This is an unfortunate fact of life in America. Our topsoil is depleted of nutrients, therefore, many people choose to boost their nutritional intake with a multivitamin supplement. But are there poor quality ingredients in your multivitamin?

Have you seen all the choices out there? And how do you know which is a good one? Read more