Why Muscle Matters More Than You Think

Why Muscle Matters More Than You Think

When we think about metabolism, it’s often in the context of how quickly our bodies burn calories or how hard it feels to maintain a healthy weight as we age. But there’s an unsung hero in this equation that doesn’t get enough credit: muscle. Let’s explore why muscle matters more than you think.

Muscle isn’t just about looking toned or being strong. It’s an active tissue that plays a key role in your metabolism, your energy levels, and your overall health as you age. It’s like a hidden engine, quietly working behind the scenes to keep your body running efficiently. And yet, so many of us don’t realize how vital it is until we start to lose it.

Let’s dive into why muscle matters so much and how building and preserving it can transform your health—not just today but for years to come.

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A Life Review Can Help You Redirect

A Life Review Can Help You Redirect

What has been your practice at year end in recent years? Do you float along on the river wherever it takes you, or use your paddle to direct your path? You can take a different approach this year. Starting with a life review can help you redirect if you aren’t where you want to be.

As we close out one year and begin another, it’s a great opportunity to take some time to reflect on the past twelve months. What have you accomplished, both small and large? What were your highlights and lowlights? What did you learn?

Taking a good, hard look at your life can be challenging, but it’s also incredibly powerful. It allows you to see where you’ve been and where you want to go. It gives perspective on your choices and helps you learn from your mistakes. And perhaps most importantly, it allows you to set realistic goals for the year ahead.

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Moving Past Depression – The Science Behind Exercise

Moving Past Depression – The Science Behind Exercise

We live in a world where depression affects millions. Many suffer in silence, while others go to their doctors where they are given medication. But there may be a better way. A groundbreaking study has recently revealed that a powerful solution may be as close as your exercise shoes. Lace up those shoes and discover an effective way for moving past depression.

A study published in the British Medical Journal has shed light on the notable effects of exercise in treating depression. The researchers analyzed data from over 14,000 people with major depressive disorder across 218 trials. They found that engaging in movement like walking or jogging two to three times a week showed the best outcomes.

Their symptoms improved by an amazing 63%! In comparison, antidepressant medications alone produced only a 26% improvement along with concerning side effects.

Dr Michael Noetel, the lead author of the study, emphasized the significance of this study, “Exercise may therefore be considered a viable alternative to drug treatment. We also found evidence that exercise increases the effectiveness of SSRIs, so offering exercise may act as an adjuvant for those already taking drugs.” This research has the potential to revolutionize the way depression treatment is approached.

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6 Underrated Sleep Hacks For Better Rest

6 Underrated Sleep Hacks For Better Rest

Do you find yourself frequently tossing and turning, struggling to get the restful sleep you crave? It might feel like you’ve tried everything—cutting back on caffeine, creating a bedtime routine, limiting screen time. But some lesser-known approaches may make all the difference. Here are 6 underrated sleep hacks for better rest.

Give some of these more unconventional strategies a try:

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Don't fear flu season. Build up your inner army

Build Up Your Inner Army

We are now fully into fall and winter isn’t far away. This is the time of year that many people delight in cooler temperatures and beautiful foliage colors, while others fear “flu season.” If you find yourself catching whatever bug seems to be visiting your community, you may be in the latter category. No need to fear. My purpose today is to empower you to build up your inner army to fight on your behalf.

Many of us pay little attention to our bodies until we are hungry. We take for granted the amazing, unseen internal work that is happening every moment. Did you realize that your heart is pumping around 2,000 gallons of blood through its chambers each day? Not only that, but your kidneys filter about 40 gallons of blood to produce 1-2 quarts of urine. And there are trillions of good bacteria – called the microbiome – on your skin and inside your body working tirelessly to protect you.

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Can Your Cholesterol Be Too Low?

Can Your Cholesterol Be Too Low?

When you hear the word “cholesterol” what are your first thoughts? Perhaps you think, ‘my doctor says mine is high.’ Or ‘I’m taking medication to control my cholesterol.’ Or you may be thinking that you’ve only heard about high cholesterol, and didn’t realize it could be low.

For years we have heard doctors and the media proclaim that we need to keep our cholesterol levels down to protect our cardiovascular system. Yes, cholesterol plays a part in atherosclerosis, but it’s not really the bad guy. Our bodies actually use cholesterol to patch areas in our arteries that have been damaged by high glucose levels.

When your blood test shows that your total cholesterol is creeping up, your doctor will suggest a medication to bring it down. However, I have worked with several clients for whom the medication is so effective that it has brought their cholesterol too far down.

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Oxytocin’s Role in Navigating Perimenopause and Beyond

Oxytocin’s Role In Navigating Perimenopause And Beyond

As women enter perimenopause and menopause, the changes in their bodies can be both physically and emotionally challenging. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone receive a lot of attention in this season. Yet, there is another crucial hormone that plays a significant role in navigating perimenopause and beyond.

Known by many as the “love hormone,” oxytocin is not just about bonding and affection—it also has profound effects on stress management, mood regulation, and overall well-being.

My goal is to bring you information on how oxytocin impacts women during perimenopause and menopause, and how to boost it. I believe that understanding this hormone can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling experience during these transitional years.

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Protect Yourself From Chlorine Exposure

Protect Yourself From Chlorine Exposure

Do you find yourself spending time during the summer in the pool to cool off, exercise, or just trying to keep the kids busy? Most of us are careful about sunscreen to protect from sunburns. But what are you doing to protect yourself from chlorine exposure?

Have you experienced sensitivity to chlorine? What did it feel like? Itchy, dry skin, airway irritation, dry hair, coughing, or irritated eyes are just some of the symptoms that people report. It’s possible that you had some of these symptoms, but didn’t connect them to the chlorine in the pool.

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Electrolytes: A Key Factor In Hydration

Electrolytes: A Key Factor in Hydration

I have written often about the importance of hydration. Drinking actual water without additives is vital for supplying your body with what plays an essential part in its function. Electrolytes play a key role in effective hydration. They are especially important in the summer when temperatures rise. Not only are we more likely to sweat, but increased activity will increase water loss.

Electrolytes are sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and magnesium. They regulate the electric charge and flow of water molecules across our cell membranes. In the process of doing this, they play a part in numerous body functions. Read more

Adopt Active Hobbies For Fitness

Adopt Active Hobbies For Fitness

Keeping ourselves moving goes way beyond routine gym sessions or obsessing over the number of daily steps you take. It’s about discovering the sheer joy that movement can bring to our lives.

Active hobbies provide a beautiful mix of pleasure and physical benefits. They turn what might often feel like a chore into something we look forward to. Whether it’s dancing in your living room, hiking through nature, or playing a sport just for fun – these activities add a vibrant layer of excitement to staying fit.

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