A Life Review Can Help You Redirect

A Life Review Can Help You Redirect

What has been your practice at year end in recent years? Do you float along on the river wherever it takes you, or use your paddle to direct your path? You can take a different approach this year. Starting with a life review can help you redirect if you aren’t where you want to be.

As we close out one year and begin another, it’s a great opportunity to take some time to reflect on the past twelve months. What have you accomplished, both small and large? What were your highlights and lowlights? What did you learn?

Taking a good, hard look at your life can be challenging, but it’s also incredibly powerful. It allows you to see where you’ve been and where you want to go. It gives perspective on your choices and helps you learn from your mistakes. And perhaps most importantly, it allows you to set realistic goals for the year ahead.

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Time To Bone Up On Bone Health

Time To Bone Up On Bone Health

As midlife approaches, many women become concerned about their bone health. Rightly so, as our bones are a vital part of our bodies and a broken hip can lead to other complications. Let’s take a look at our amazing bones – there’s more going on in there than you realize. It’s time to bone up on bone health.

I had always thought of bone as being solid and strong, yet it is actually flexible and strong. Bone is a composite of minerals dispersed in a protein matrix of mostly collagen. That matrix gives bones some flexibility, similar to the pine trees that I see in south Louisiana. They are able to sway in the wind without breaking.

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Do you battle with stubborn weight? Perhaps you have tried different diet plans with some success, but don't realize hormones are at play.

The Battle With Stubborn Weight

Do you battle with stubborn weight? Perhaps you have tried a number of different diet plans with some success, but you still hit a wall.  So you visited your doctor and were told to eat less and exercise more. I’m sure you have discovered that’s not your answer either.

While calories can influence weight gain or loss, it’s a more intricate system than most realize. There are a variety of hormones that influence the function of your body and the way it uses the food you consume. Read more

Spring blooms can leave you feeling uncomfortable. Handle troublesome allergy symptoms and embrace the season with these natural approaches.  

Natural Tips to Handle Troublesome Allergy Symptoms

After being cooped up all winter long, the warm weather draws us outside to enjoy the sunshine. Spring blooms also bring pollen, which can leave you feeling uncomfortable. You can handle troublesome allergy symptoms and embrace this season’s full bloom with these natural approaches.  

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Prioritize Self-Care

Do You Prioritize Self-Care?

December is a busy month! Many of us love the holidays, yet when you get past the anticipated special moments, there is far more demand on each of us. Will you come through the holidays with positive outlook or will you claw your way through to the end? Read more

Have A Plan to Eat Well?

I believe that it is safe to say that most of us recognize the need to eat well, and I daresay many of us have purposed to improve our choices and support our bodies with better food.

How is that going for you?

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Six Simple Ways to Eat Better

The holidays are past and the new year has begun – an exciting time where we make plans for our next twelve months, and dream of possibilities. What are the most popular resolutions among your friends? For many, they relate to improving health. As tasty as the holiday goodies are, they leave us feeling a little less on track with our goals than we would like.

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Discover the Components of Sustainable Weight Loss

Butt in Jeans
Two weeks into 2017 … how are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? Did your resolutions – like so many others’ – include an intention to lose weight? I’m going to go out on a limb and guessing that you aren’t having a great deal of success.

Now, I don’t doubt your intention or your efforts. Yet I do know something about how our bodies work. We women tend to focus on body size, or more specifically, on the number on our scale.

How long have you been fighting the battle? How many different plans have you followed – counting calories, skipping meals, depriving yourself, feeling hungry, and counting more calories? Yes, calories matter. But hormones matter more. Read more

Edit Your Breathing Pattern

Breathe InThere are many things in life that we take for granted. That the light will turn on when we flip the switch, that you have the freedom to choose how you will live today, and that the sun will rise each morning, to name just a few.

Many things happen without our having to coordinate them, and that’s a good thing. When you are focused on a very busy day, it’s nice to know that you will continue to breathe without having to think. Yet how effectively are you breathing in that situation?

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Ditch Resolutions and Diets!

brand new endingThe first days of a new year! You have a clean page on the calendar and 12 months ahead of you. Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Here we are five days into 2016 … are you still on track with them?

New Year’s resolutions seem to carry a connotation of short-term failure with them. I often hear people joking about the resolution that lasted mere days – or hours. Why is that? I have a few theories: Read more