You Can Counter Seasonal Mood Changes Naturally

You Can Counter Seasonal Mood Changes Naturally

Fall and winter bring shorter days. During this time of year, many people experience periods of sadness or feeling unlike their usual selves. These mood changes often begin and end when the seasons change. You can counter seasonal mood changes naturally, without getting caught up in antidepressant medications.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression characterized by a recurrent seasonal pattern. Most people with this challenge report seasonal depression, fatigue, and/or low mood.

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Moving Past Depression – The Science Behind Exercise

Moving Past Depression – The Science Behind Exercise

We live in a world where depression affects millions. Many suffer in silence, while others go to their doctors where they are given medication. But there may be a better way. A groundbreaking study has recently revealed that a powerful solution may be as close as your exercise shoes. Lace up those shoes and discover an effective way for moving past depression.

A study published in the British Medical Journal has shed light on the notable effects of exercise in treating depression. The researchers analyzed data from over 14,000 people with major depressive disorder across 218 trials. They found that engaging in movement like walking or jogging two to three times a week showed the best outcomes.

Their symptoms improved by an amazing 63%! In comparison, antidepressant medications alone produced only a 26% improvement along with concerning side effects.

Dr Michael Noetel, the lead author of the study, emphasized the significance of this study, “Exercise may therefore be considered a viable alternative to drug treatment. We also found evidence that exercise increases the effectiveness of SSRIs, so offering exercise may act as an adjuvant for those already taking drugs.” This research has the potential to revolutionize the way depression treatment is approached.

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Do You Struggle With Holiday Blues?

Do You Struggle With Holiday Blues?

The Christmas season presents a wide array of stimulation for our senses. The music, images in commercials, colorful decorations, and the food … oh, the food. For many, these holiday hallmarks evoke joy in the season, but some struggle with holiday blues.

Surprisingly, a survey by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) shows that 64% of people experience holiday blues.

The holiday blues are “feelings of anxiety or depression during holidays that can be associated with extra stress, unrealistic expectations, or even memories that accompany the season.” These “blues” refer to sad feelings, yet those experiencing holiday blues may feel worried, frustrated, or even disappointed.

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Habits That Benefit Everyone

Habits That Benefit Everyone

I had the honor of releasing a new book this past week. Thriving Through Cancer: A Whole-istic Approach for Your Journey, made its debut on Wednesday and was received with resounding positivity. Many of us know someone who has been diagnosed with cancer – whether friend, family member, or acquaintance. Yet even those who don’t […]

Is Depression A Challenge You Face?

Is Depression A Challenge You Face?

A mental health crisis is underway in the U.S. Depression is among the most common mental health issue with 21 million adults experiencing one or more major depressive episodes. A growing number of children and teens are also experiencing depression. Is depression a challenge you face?

Antidepressant medications remain a first-line treatment for depression, even though 2/3 of depressed patients don’t respond well to them. Many doctors are not recognizing the role that the gut plays in mood. Both the foods you eat and the balance of bacteria that reside in your gut affect your mood.

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