Wellness Is More Than Diet And Exercise

Wellness Is More Than Diet And Exercise

Embarking on a journey toward healthy living is about so much more than just mastering your diet and fitting in regular workouts. Yes, nutrition and physical activity are considered to be cornerstones of good health. Yet wellness is more than diet and exercise.

When considering health, we tend to focus on the physical body, but wellness goes deeper – embrace a more rounded view of well-being. It’s time to recognize that full wellness includes our mental health, our relationships with others, and a sense of personal achievement.

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Protect Yourself When Taking Antibiotics

Protect Yourself When Taking Antibiotics

We have a bit of a love/hate relationship with bacteria. Many of us have grown up hearing adults warn us about germs – or bacteria. What we, and likely they, didn’t realize is that not all bacteria is bad for us.

In fact, there is a bustling community of bacteria, yeast, and viruses in our guts, and this community plays an important part in our health.

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The Benefit Of Challenge

The Benefit Of Challenge

We have a normal human tendency to avoid challenge. Challenge is hard. Yet, the human body is designed to continuously adapt to and thrive in a largely unpredictable environment. The desire to hang out in our comfort zone can actually work against us. Welcome to the powerful concept of hormesis.

Hormesis is the phenomenon whereby the body derives long-term benefits and strength from short, potent episodes of challenge or stress. It’s actually a term that has developed from toxicology, the study of toxins. Though we generally view toxins as totally negative. Scientists have learned that very small amounts of toxic exposure can actually support health. Hang with me here.

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Got Belly Fat?

Got Belly Fat?

We like having curves, but not that kind. Frustrating as it is, belly fat doesn’t indicate a need for a diet. It is actually an indication of a deeper imbalance related to hormones. If you’ve got belly fat, your body is calling for help.

It is not unusual for belly fat to appear in women after the age of 50, even those who are otherwise skinny and athletic. And it isn’t just a women’s issue because men can develop belly fat, too.

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Support Your Body in the Battle

Support Your Body In The Battle

We all have friends and family who have been diagnosed with cancer. The diagnosis started them on a journey that took them where they never thought they would go. When you have cancer, your medical team focuses on eradicating the tumor, but often there is little support for the rest of your body. I believe it is vital to support your body in the battle, whether with cancer or other threats to wellness.

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Build Resilience Into Your Wellness Plan

Build Resilience Into Your Wellness Plan

What does resilience have to do with your health? It is actually foundational to navigating life well. When I speak of wellness, I don’t mean a total absence of sickness, but rather the body being able to rebound after a short period of sickness. This is very different than the experience of many who live with chronic disease which makes them more susceptible to germs that are shared in their communities. Follow these ideas to help build resilience into your wellness plan.

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10 Areas to Optimize Your Healthy Life

10 Areas To Optimize Your Healthy Life

What does a healthy life mean to you? For most people, “healthy” means not having nagging symptoms and having energy for life’s activities. There is a lot going on in our bodies that is not on our radar, yet we can influence its function positively with our choices. Yes, your choices make a huge difference!

Did you know that the average American spends the last decade or more of their lives in what I call the 4 D’s: diseased, depressed, disabled, or demented? Americans rank 83rd globally for living a healthy life. Yikes! That’s not the “norm” that I want to live, and I’m sure you would agree. Here are 10 areas to optimize your healthy life.

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Breathing Techniques for Inner Calm

5 Breathing Techniques For Inner Calm

Stress is recognized as a challenge to mental and physical health. The people we encounter each day have widely different stressors in their lives. Given the many ways that stress can hinder our bodies’ function, it is important to take steps to moderate stress and bring short moments of calm. For simplicity, try these 5 breathing techniques for inner calm.

5 Breathing Techniques For Inner Calm

When you recognize that your stress levels are rising, here are five powerful breathing techniques for inner calm. These methods are practical and easy to integrate into your busy schedule. Taking just a few minutes to practice, they offer an effective way to manage stress and restore peace in your daily life.

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Reclaim Your Health with Whole Foods

Reclaim Your Health With Whole Foods

The month of January tends to bring a focus on reclaiming health. Perhaps the holidays introduced a variety of tempting foods, or there were added occasions for consuming alcohol.

There may also have been more on the schedule which crowded out the focus on movement or exercise. A great place to start is to reclaim your health with whole foods.

A “whole foods” (or real food) diet centers around consuming foods in their most natural and unprocessed form. It’s a lifestyle choice gaining traction for its numerous health benefits and relative simplicity.

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Your Gut Is Essential For Your Health

Your Gut Is Essential For Your Health

The holidays can be a time when we indulge in more than we normally would. More food, most likely more alcohol, more activities, and less sleep. All of these can contribute to feeling behind the curve as we enter the new year. Do you know what’s at the root of this feeling? It’s your gut. Your gut is essential for your health.

There are many things that influence your gut health. These are primarily related to what you put in your mouth – whether solid or liquid – as Dana learned recently when she reached out for my help.

Dana, a young wife and mother to a 4-year-old daughter, realized she was spiraling downward and knew she needed help. She reported that she wasn’t doing well even before the holidays, but since Thanksgiving had been feeling like it was all getting worse.

Her gut was not happy – indigestion was a common experience – so she often avoided food. She also wasn’t sleeping well, which made her groggy throughout the day. All the added Christmas festivities were making things worse, so she picked up her phone to send an SOS to me.

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