Building Blocks for Your Body

ProteinThere are lots of different opinions about the best foods to include in your diet, but no one questions the need for protein. Consuming protein supports the building of bone, muscle, skin and blood.

Protein is considered to be a macronutrient, meaning your body needs a relatively large amount. If you have worked with a trainer at the gym, I’m sure they have told you to consume protein within an hour of your workout. That’s because the protein will support your body in rebuilding your muscles, and increasing your muscle mass will raise your metabolism, which makes it easier to lose weight. Read more

More Nutrients? Just Add Water!

Sprouted SeedsHave you been making different choices in your foods? Are you trying to increase the nutrition you supply your body by eating more raw nuts and whole grains? Good for you!

Now let’s look at how you can boost the absorption of these nutrients so that you get even more benefit without adding another food. Read more

Replenish Healthfully

No More Sports DrinksWe are all familiar with the soppy, sweaty feeling that comes with mowing your yard in the summer heat or exercising, whether indoors or outdoors. It leaves you feeling drained and looking to replace lost fluids.

Marketing efforts have successfully convinced people that sports drinks are the best way to replenish fluids and electrolytes, but that’s simply not the truth. Most sports drinks contain as much as 2/3 of the sugar of sodas, and also typically contain high-fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors and food coloring, none of which contribute to optimal health. Read more

Choose Your Food From Plants

Vegetarian MealWhere do the foods you eat come from? No, I’m not meaning where you bought them, or how they were packaged. I mean what was the original source?

Most Americans eat white potatoes and corn in various forms and think they are eating their vegetables. But there is very little nutrient offered in them, and corn isn’t even a vegetable … it’s a grain. Pass on these and focus on putting color on your plate, along with protein from non-meat sources. Read more

Summer Salads

Bowl of SaladRobust nourishment or calorie overload?

Salads are often recognized as a healthy food choice – whether you are eating at home or in a restaurant – and the types of foods that can be combined in a salad are quite varied.

However, many of the salads offered as entrees in restaurants could be more properly categorized as desserts when you consider the sugar content and total calories. Candied nuts, dried fruit, sweet salad dressings (especially the fat-free variety) come loaded with sugar that will sabotage your eating plan. Read more

Your Body Is Talking!

SignsAre You Receiving the Message?

We readily recognize many types of communication. There are spoken words, non-verbal sounds, song lyrics and many others. With practice, we recognize and comprehend many of these; yet there are other messages that you many not be comprehending.

The proliferation of processed foods in today’s diet causes vitamin deficiency, whether from not eating enough of the right foods or not absorbing them properly due to digestive issues. Read more

Your Health

girl-with-fruits-in-basketKey Factors I Want You to Know

Though we have thrown tons of money at the problem in recent decades, Americans are sicker than ever. Each of us knows someone who has a chronic health condition – such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, or depression – which are wreaking havoc on their mind, body, and wallet.

I engage individuals and families every day, counseling them about lifestyle adjustments that include nutrition, fitness, and rest to restore their wellness and revive their perspective on the future. Here are some of the top factors that I include when talking with them. Read more

Curb Your Fat Storage

Take a BiteOne Bite at a Time

When you are enjoying a nice meal in local restaurant, what portion of the meal is served first? It is often bread or soup or salad, unless you prefer to eat at Mexican restaurants, in which case chips and salsa are offered first.

If I asked you what happens to that food after you have swallowed, I’m sure you would say “digestion” … which would be partially correct. But beyond that, what is your body doing with the foods you are digesting?
Read more

Edit Versus Diet

Diet-EditScramble the Letters for Success

I’m not sure there is an adult in America who hasn’t dieted at least once in their life, and the majority may have trouble counting the number of times on their fingers.

Think back to the last one or two times. If you did lose weight, did it stay off or creep back on in the weeks following the diet? Why …. Read more

Let’s Brush Up to Detox

Dry BrushWhat methods are you incorporating as you pursue wellness? I would assume that you have changed your eating habits, increased your movement and exercise, and perhaps changed toiletries and household cleaning products in order to reduce chemical exposure.

How ’bout brushing? Not just your hair and your teeth, but also your body. Read more