Do You Sleep Like a Baby?

By now you know that sleep is NOT overrated. High-quality sleep is vital for both healing and sustained wellness. Though the body seems inactive during sleep, it is actually quite busy on the inside.

During the night, we restock our supply of hormones, process toxins, repair damaged tissue, general vital white blood cells, eliminate the effects of stress, and process heavy emotions. You might even say that you get more done during the night than during the day. Read more

Six Simple Ways to Eat Better

The holidays are past and the new year has begun – an exciting time where we make plans for our next twelve months, and dream of possibilities. What are the most popular resolutions among your friends? For many, they relate to improving health. As tasty as the holiday goodies are, they leave us feeling a little less on track with our goals than we would like.

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Insert the Gift of Nutrients for 2018

Christmas is fast approaching, and it is time to savor all the joy it brings — friends, family, meals together, giving & gratitude. Of course, these are accompanied by hearty dishes and sweets that can certainly wreak havoc on our bodies. Casseroles laden with cream, sugary cakes and cookies, and other tempting empty calorie bombs will adorn the dining tables we surround. Unless we do something about it, that is!

But how can you make healthy decisions during this season of eating, especially without anyone noticing? Well, I have a few of my favorite tricks to share with you that I have used – and the best part is, nobody ever notices. Read more

Secrets of Holiday Bliss

The holidays have begun. It’s a time of year that is know for its busy nature that can contribute to stress levels beyond the norm. You likely have several party invitations collecting on your counter, a long list of people on your Christmas card list, and the daunting task of braving crowds as you shop for gifts for your loved ones.

And all of this is added to your normal every day life. It can be overwhelming to say the least!

As my gift to you, I want to share Read more

A Matter of Perspective

Many of my friends are expressing thankfulness each day this month with a post on Facebook. Have you seen these posts in your newsfeed? Perhaps you are posting your own expressions of gratitude.

Or perhaps you struggle with this practice. I have to admit, I have not been very consistent with gratitude journal entries, and I’ve wondered why.

I have had clients who struggled with this as well. In their head they knew that it was a good practice, but felt there was a hindrance. You too? Read more

Got Milk? Do You Need It?

You do not need to drink milk to be healthy. Sounds like blasphemy, doesn’t it?

Most of us have been encouraged since childhood to drink our milk so we would grow strong bones.

No matter how many mustache-bearing Hollywood stars tell you otherwise, milk does not necessarily do a body good.

The American Dairy Association want us to think we will die early, or fall and break something, without a daily glass of milk. Yet there are entire countries of people who never consume dairy products, and they thrive with plenty of calcium in their diets. They even have Olympic teams! Read more

Eating an Apple a Day?

Did your grandma tell you that eating an apple a day would keep the doctor away? I can’t remember when I first heard the phrase, but I can remember looking at an apple in my hand and wondering how it would help. Did you wonder the same thing?

Could something as simple make a significant difference? Yes. I believe it can.

While the phrase has been traced back to 1922, it was likely based on observation. Chinese Medicine (also observational) has long taught that apples strengthen the heart, quench thirst, lubricate the lungs, decrease mucus and increase body fluids. Read more

Inflammation … Friend or Foe?

We’ve all experienced wounds of varying sizes. Think back to a recent wound – the event that caused it, the pain and probably blood. Within a few hours the spot was tender, red and swollen; yet that subsided after a short time as a scab developed and healing began.

That tender redness was the result of inflammation at the site – your body’s process of “mustering in the troops” to fight off germs and support the healing process. It is a normal process for our bodies, whether you actually see the wound on the outside or not.

Inflammation is necessary to protect and heal, but when it continues unchecked, it can begin to work against us. Read more

Do you find yourself drawn to sweets? It is possible to tame your sweet tooth by employing these strategies and you'll have better energy.

What Drives Your Cravings?

When we think about food cravings, typically the first thing that comes to mind is some type of junk food. You know what I mean – food-like substances that are processed, high in calories, low in nutrients, and generally unhealthy. Aren’t these what you tend to crave?

What tops your craving list? Chocolate chip cookies? A big bowl of ice cream? Or perhaps you lean toward salty snacks like chips? Read more

Arm Yourself Against Illness

We are approaching the Autumn Equinox and the signs of fall are all around. Yellow school buses roam the streets, leaves in some areas are turning colors, and signs advertising the flu shot are prominent.

Have you wondered whether the shot is the right choice for you? I believe you are wise to be an educated consumer and consider how you might boost your immune system to fight invading viruses without the negative effects of a vaccine. Read more