Healthful Snacks That Fuel and Satisfy

Summer produce boasts various delicious fruits and vegetables that we (okay, I) wait all year to enjoy.  Watermelon, juicy cantaloupe and berries bursting with flavor and nutrients are just a few of my favorite summer treats. The summer months are often filled with outdoor activities and travel in addition to our normal commitments which leave your schedule jam-packed.  Read more

Healthful Lunches That Travel

Lunchtime during the work week can be a real challenge when your goal is to fuel your body well. There may be tantalizing treats from well-meaning co-workers waiting in your office break room or a vending machine in close proximity to your desk.

Temptation surrounds you and can veer you off of your path quickly, leaving you not only drained of energy, but also feeling disappointed and defeated. To avoid these negative feelings, it’s crucial to be proactive about your meals for the work week. Read more

5 Ways to Boost Your Energy

Do you often find yourself in a low-energy rut? It may be a lack of sleep that’s the culprit, but even if you’re getting your Zzzzs, you can fall into a vicious low energy cycle. Before you know it, you’re making frequent stops at Starbucks to “kickstart” your day, which can lead to further downward spiral.

Rather than reach for short-term fixes that often cause long-term problems, you can make a few simple tweaks to increase your energy naturally. Read more

Got the Guts to Be Healthy?

We all know someone who is making an effort to improve their health. What steps are they taking? Exercising, not drinking sodas, and eating less processed foods are common first steps.

In my years of study and observation, I have come to the firm conclusion that health begins in the gut … and the flip side is equally true … that disease also begins in the gut. Read more

Have A Plan to Eat Well?

I believe that it is safe to say that most of us recognize the need to eat well, and I daresay many of us have purposed to improve our choices and support our bodies with better food.

How is that going for you?

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How to Answer Carb Cravings

Even when you begin changing your eating habits for the better by incorporating cleaner foods and better practices, you can still fall victim to occasional carb cravings. Sometimes, we attribute these to a rough day at work or a stressful week of deadlines, but carb cravings can also come from physiological imbalances.

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Why Ditch Your Sugar Habit?

Do you have a firm grasp on the amount of sugar you consume? Most people do not. It’s been said that the average person consumes more than 40 pounds of sugar in a calendar year, but I found more updated information indicating that the average amount is actually closer to 150 pounds — quite alarming, don’t you think?

When we think of sugar, sweet desserts such as cakes, donuts, candy, and cookies come to mind immediately. But there are tremendous amounts of sugar hiding in everyday things we consume, and when we consume them regularly, they add up fast. Read more

Why My Passion For Detox?

Because chemicals are sprayed on our foods that damage our ability to detoxify and get rid of those very same chemicals – and other toxins. A downward spiral for certain.

One of most concerning of these chemicals is glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round-Up herbicide. This best-selling herbicide is used on GMO crops in order to increase yields, and on non-GMO crops to ease the harvest process. But at what price? Read more

Give Me the Vitamin D-tails!

A “D” on your report card isn’t favorable, yet a good “D” level on your lab report is important. Wondering why? Vitamin D has been featured in many an article on health, but science has revealed more detail that I would like to share with you.

Let me start by clarifying that Vitamin D is actually a steroid hormone. We call it a “vitamin” because it is not made in the body and must be provided from external sources. Most vitamins are taken in via food, but Vitamin D is created in conjunction with precursors of cholesterol in the skin with proper sun exposure. Given our reduced outdoor activity in winter and use of sunscreen, we are often deficient. Read more

Arm Yourself to Fight Illness!

We all know someone who has been sick in the past month – perhaps you, a family member, or a friend. The media is touting this as an especially bad flu season. What should you do to protect yourself?

Despite all the encouragement to get the flu shot, I do not recommend that as your primary strategy. The flu shot can actually hinder your immune system, as it comes with a nasty dose of mercury that is dangerous to your body. Read more