Smells That Hinder Your Health

Smells That Hinder Your Health

What smells do you encounter regularly during the day? The smells of foods you eat? Or smells from your clothes when they are fresh from the laundry? Or perhaps from your shampoo, soap, and other hygiene products? I would imagine that it hasn’t occurred to you that there may be smells that hinder your health.

It’s a sad fact that many of the smells we encounter each day are from chemicals that are toxic to your body. One of the more prominent chemicals is phthalates (pronounced fthal-eyt) which are endocrine disrupting chemicals. That’s a fancy term for chemicals that mess with your hormones.

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6 Underrated Sleep Hacks For Better Rest

6 Underrated Sleep Hacks For Better Rest

Do you find yourself frequently tossing and turning, struggling to get the restful sleep you crave? It might feel like you’ve tried everything—cutting back on caffeine, creating a bedtime routine, limiting screen time. But some lesser-known approaches may make all the difference. Here are 6 underrated sleep hacks for better rest.

Give some of these more unconventional strategies a try:

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Don't fear flu season. Build up your inner army

Build Up Your Inner Army

We are now fully into fall and winter isn’t far away. This is the time of year that many people delight in cooler temperatures and beautiful foliage colors, while others fear “flu season.” If you find yourself catching whatever bug seems to be visiting your community, you may be in the latter category. No need to fear. My purpose today is to empower you to build up your inner army to fight on your behalf.

Many of us pay little attention to our bodies until we are hungry. We take for granted the amazing, unseen internal work that is happening every moment. Did you realize that your heart is pumping around 2,000 gallons of blood through its chambers each day? Not only that, but your kidneys filter about 40 gallons of blood to produce 1-2 quarts of urine. And there are trillions of good bacteria – called the microbiome – on your skin and inside your body working tirelessly to protect you.

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