
Make Time for Me

Make Time for Me

Do you ever feel like you’re giving too much of yourself? What about making time for doing more of what you love? What about Making Time for Me!?

With the coming of spring, there’s no better time to do some spring cleaning in your personal life to get back more of what you put out there.

I have often used the illustration of putting on your oxygen mask. If you have flown recently and heard the safety briefing, you know they recommend the adult putting on the mask before helping a child. You have to fill yourself up to have a supply from which to pour out.

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A Resolution Sustained!

New Years ResolutionAll my life I’ve heard people making New Year’s resolutions … and the jokes about how long those resolutions hold up. I’ve made and abandoned New Year’s resolutions enough that I was reluctant to make them any more. And I was not alone. I’ve read that only 8% of people keep the resolutions they make at this time of year.

So why is it so difficult to keep the resolutions that we make? Is it because they are often made as brash statements without a plan to carry them out? Or because they are unsustainable?

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