
Are You Reaching for Tissues?

Are You Reaching for Tissues?

Spring is a beautiful time of year with trees bursting forth in fresh, green growth and flowers blooming in a rainbow of colors. For many of us, though, spring means excess mucus, itchy eyes and skin, and frustrating symptoms related to allergies. Are you reaching for tissues regularly?

As a child, I had plenty of challenges with allergies, including frequent breakouts in hives, swollen lips, and the more common runny nose and itchy eyes. No fun!

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Anyone who experiences this pain would want to find relief from migraines.

Find Relief From Migraines

Nobody wants to experience a headache, much less a migraine. This most intense form of headache is known to have other symptoms such as nausea, numbness or tingling, difficulty with speech, and light sensitivity. They can certainly be debilitating and any who suffer would want to find relief from migraines.

There are a variety of medications that are used to “treat” migraines. Unfortunately, they also can have major, long term effects on the gastrointestinal tract which can then create disease elsewhere. Read more

What’s the Condition of Your Battleground?

The battle against COVID-19 rages on. Most of us now know someone who has tested positive for the virus or, sadly, has passed away. We continue to practice social distancing and stay in our homes, though it pains us to be apart from family and friends.

Have you found your perspective changing with regard to the virus? In the early days we scoured the internet for tips on fighting this unseen enemy. You may have increased your Vitamin C, and begun a regular practice of disinfecting your home. Read more

Have You Explored the Roots?

What is the normal pattern of your visits to the doctor? You notice symptoms and make an appointment. Once the doctor joins you in the exam room, he or she asks what your major complaint is, perhaps asking a few clarifying questions, and then offers a prescription to ease the symptoms.

If you were to equate the process with care of a tree, what part of the tree have you addressed? Read more