
Spring Cleaning For Your Body

As signs of spring appear, many are beginning the process of spring cleaning in their homes. Have you ever considered spring cleaning for your body? It’s a valuable practice that helps to “clear the sludge” that collects through winter months … or perhaps life changes related to a pandemic.

As we see in nature, winter’s cold weather causes us to naturally slow down and become more sedentary. This can lead to accumulation of added waste in the body. Spring’s biorhythm provides an ideal setting for a focused housecleaning, allowing the body to release this accumulated waste.

Living in the western world by default exposes us daily to a toxic “soup” of chemicals. This exposure comes from plastics, pesticides, flame retardants, personal hygiene products, and heavy metals from foods and our environment. Read more

Why My Passion For Detox?

Because chemicals are sprayed on our foods that damage our ability to detoxify and get rid of those very same chemicals – and other toxins. A downward spiral for certain.

One of most concerning of these chemicals is glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round-Up herbicide. This best-selling herbicide is used on GMO crops in order to increase yields, and on non-GMO crops to ease the harvest process. But at what price? Read more