Do Your Thoughts Support Your Dreams?

henry-ford-quote-whether-you-think-you-canHave you heard of the energy experiments with potted plants, where one plant was spoken to lovingly over a period of time and the other verbally abused with harsh or negative words? The result? You guessed it. The abused plant shriveled while the loved plant flourished.

It’s the same for us. Our self-talk can nourish – or quench – our ability to manifest our dreams. Read more

Arm Yourself Against the Flu

Arm YourselfCool temperatures herald the beginning of flu season. How will you prepare?

Commercials will encourage you to get a flu shot, but the track record of vaccines is not a good one. Your body’s first line of defense is its immune system, and boosting it is what I believe to be your best defense.

Let’s explore how you can arm yourself ….  Read more

Replenish Healthfully

No More Sports DrinksWe are all familiar with the soppy, sweaty feeling that comes with mowing your yard in the summer heat or exercising, whether indoors or outdoors. It leaves you feeling drained and looking to replace lost fluids.

Marketing efforts have successfully convinced people that sports drinks are the best way to replenish fluids and electrolytes, but that’s simply not the truth. Most sports drinks contain as much as 2/3 of the sugar of sodas, and also typically contain high-fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors and food coloring, none of which contribute to optimal health. Read more

Your Body Is Talking!

SignsAre You Receiving the Message?

We readily recognize many types of communication. There are spoken words, non-verbal sounds, song lyrics and many others. With practice, we recognize and comprehend many of these; yet there are other messages that you many not be comprehending.

The proliferation of processed foods in today’s diet causes vitamin deficiency, whether from not eating enough of the right foods or not absorbing them properly due to digestive issues. Read more

Let’s Brush Up to Detox

Dry BrushWhat methods are you incorporating as you pursue wellness? I would assume that you have changed your eating habits, increased your movement and exercise, and perhaps changed toiletries and household cleaning products in order to reduce chemical exposure.

How ’bout brushing? Not just your hair and your teeth, but also your body. Read more