Healthy Grilling Tips

Healthy Grilling Tips

What does summer mean for you – beach, camping, backyard cookouts? I love a good BBQ, but must admit that it doesn’t always mean the healthiest meal. Today let’s talk about some healthy grilling tips!

The common BBQ menu can be part of the trouble. Besides an oversized portion of meat, the majority of BBQs seem to include a heavy helping of high-glycemic carbs (think potatoes, baked beans, etc).

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Nutritional Comparison of Fresh, Frozen and Canned Fruits and Vegetables

Today we are going to talk about the nutritional comparison of fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. You already know that eating vegetables is essential for your health, and they available fresh, frozen, and canned. Do you ever wonder what the difference is between them? After all, aren’t they all vegetables?

Here’s what you should know about each.

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Magnesium Is A Nutrient Powerhouse

Got Magnesium?

Do you experience tightness, tension or spasms in your body on a regular basis? When I am reviewing a client’s symptoms and see any of these noted, the first thing I check is magnesium levels. That’s right! It is more likely a deficiency in this mineral than a lack of Tylenol or any other pain reliever.

There are many other symptoms that can signal a lack of magnesium … including headaches, constipation, acid reflux, sleep issues, anxiety, high blood pressure and joint or muscle pain. Read more