EDIT Your Place Settings

Diet-EditMy goal this year is to walk you through the process of editing your approach to eating in order to support improved wellness. I know … I may be making you nervous, but my intent is to coach you through a series of gentle adjustments … EDITS … that will contribute to your wellbeing.

There are many habits that have crept into our culture over the years. One area that has had a significant affect on our waistline is serving size.

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Ditch Resolutions and Diets!

brand new endingThe first days of a new year! You have a clean page on the calendar and 12 months ahead of you. Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Here we are five days into 2016 … are you still on track with them?

New Year’s resolutions seem to carry a connotation of short-term failure with them. I often hear people joking about the resolution that lasted mere days – or hours. Why is that? I have a few theories: Read more

For the Love of Chocolate

chocolateWhat picture comes to mind when you hear the word “chocolate”? A favorite candy bar at the checkout counter, Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka, or the delicious drips of a chocolate fountain? The Christmas season often brings visions of sugar plums, or chocolate bars, to our heads.

Have your tastes in chocolate changed since your childhood? They usually do. Read more

Healthy Through the Holidays

Holiday PartyWe all anticipate the holiday season with eagerness … and perhaps some dread. Holiday traditions often involve food and drinks that hold emotional ties to childhood memories or are simply designed to tempt the palate. All too quickly we’ve snacked and sampled our way to extra pounds, foggy brain, and misery.

Rather than resign yourself to repeating the same cycle each holiday season, why not explore some strategies that you can employ to keep yourself energized and in balance? Read more

Five Ways That Gratitude Nourishes Life

GratefulThe Thanksgiving holiday is fast approaching and thoughts are turning to how many will gather, what to include in the menu and counting our blessings. I would like to suggest, however, that you not wait for a holiday to practice gratitude, but begin to cultivate it as a daily practice.

Cultivating gratitude doesn’t cost any money and it doesn’t take much time, but the benefits are enormous! Read more

Do Your Thoughts Support Your Dreams?

henry-ford-quote-whether-you-think-you-canHave you heard of the energy experiments with potted plants, where one plant was spoken to lovingly over a period of time and the other verbally abused with harsh or negative words? The result? You guessed it. The abused plant shriveled while the loved plant flourished.

It’s the same for us. Our self-talk can nourish – or quench – our ability to manifest our dreams. Read more

The Truth About a Cleanse

Truth or MythDo you view health care as a proactive or reactive process? If you are reactive, you wait until you have a diagnosis to seek help for your body; while the proactive approach is focused on supporting your body for good function. Being proactive means you set your health as a priority and make it a point to take action with food choices, exercise, sleep, stress relief, and cleansing.

When you think of a detox or cleanse, you may think of liquid diets, expensive supplements and deprivation. The truth is, Read more

Give Your Liver Some Lovin’

LiverThere are many parts of our body that we think of and consciously support, but I’m pretty sure you liver isn’t on that list. Poor liver! It has a high demand job, but get’s little respect or active support.

Just what does your liver do for you? Read more

Arm Yourself Against the Flu

Arm YourselfCool temperatures herald the beginning of flu season. How will you prepare?

Commercials will encourage you to get a flu shot, but the track record of vaccines is not a good one. Your body’s first line of defense is its immune system, and boosting it is what I believe to be your best defense.

Let’s explore how you can arm yourself ….  Read more

Are You Stoking the Fire?

CampfireWe’ve all experienced the benefits of inflammation in response to injury or illness. This aspect of our immune system causes pain, swelling and heat as it rallies resources to the site to enable the body to heal.

Such acute inflammation is vital, yet when the fire continues to smolder, it becomes the chronic inflammation that leads to disease, faster aging and weight gain. Could you be inadvertently stoking this fire with the food and drink you are consuming?

It is quite possible if you are ….  Read more