Spring blooms can leave you feeling uncomfortable. Handle troublesome allergy symptoms and embrace the season with these natural approaches.  

Natural Tips to Handle Troublesome Allergy Symptoms

After being cooped up all winter long, the warm weather draws us outside to enjoy the sunshine. Spring blooms also bring pollen, which can leave you feeling uncomfortable. You can handle troublesome allergy symptoms and embrace this season’s full bloom with these natural approaches.  

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If you feel something is off with your body you may have a food intolerance or sensitivity. I suggest you try an elimination diet.

Try An Elimination Diet For Unexplained Symptoms

Do you ever feel like something is off with your body but can’t put your finger on it? You may have a food intolerance or sensitivity. If you are experiencing digestive discomfort, aches, pains, or headaches, you might be experiencing reactions to food you eat. The best way to confirm that is to try an elimination diet.

You’ll start by removing certain foods from your diet — the foods that are well-known for causing symptoms. Then, you’ll reintroduce the foods you eliminate one at a time and take note of any symptoms. The full process takes about six weeks, and if you have a food sensitivity or intolerance, you’ll be able to see which food is causing your body distress so that you can avoid it. Read more

Spring Cleaning For Your Body

As signs of spring appear, many are beginning the process of spring cleaning in their homes. Have you ever considered spring cleaning for your body? It’s a valuable practice that helps to “clear the sludge” that collects through winter months … or perhaps life changes related to a pandemic.

As we see in nature, winter’s cold weather causes us to naturally slow down and become more sedentary. This can lead to accumulation of added waste in the body. Spring’s biorhythm provides an ideal setting for a focused housecleaning, allowing the body to release this accumulated waste.

Living in the western world by default exposes us daily to a toxic “soup” of chemicals. This exposure comes from plastics, pesticides, flame retardants, personal hygiene products, and heavy metals from foods and our environment. Read more

The Value of Being Present

Have you ever observed where your thoughts seem to reside? Do you dwell more in the past, or the future, or the present? There are times when any of these may be appropriate but the value of being present can’t be denied.

Do you ever lie awake at night with your mind racing through thoughts of countless things you need to do the next day or in the coming week?

Or worse … thinking about something you wish you had (or hadn’t) said, or a situation you would like to go back and change? Read more

Know somone who has diabetes? Are they effectively supporting their body to reduce the damage, or just going along for the ride?

Know Someone Who Has Diabetes?

These days we all know someone who has diabetes, if you don’t have that diagnosis yourself. The question is – are you effectively supporting your body to reduce the damage caused by high blood sugar, or going along for the ride wherever it takes you?

A study done at Massachusetts General Hospital evaluated data on diabetes care from 2005 to 2016. They found that one in four adults with type 2 diabetes had not actually received a diagnosis, and nearly one in three was not receiving appropriate care.

Sadly, researchers found that despite advances in diabetes medication and a movement to develop innovative care delivery models, diabetes care targets had not improved in the U.S. since 2005. Read more

Don't let the cold and dark of winter months deter you from exercise. Here are tips to get the most out of your winter workouts.

Get the Most Out of Your Winter Workouts

While the winter months are often cold, dark and rainy, don’t let that deter you from keeping an active lifestyle. If you prepare properly, you can get the most out of your winter workouts and enjoy it. Read more

The past many months have shown us with a variety of stressful situations. Take inventory of your tool box to pursue wellness.

Take Inventory of Your Tool Box

The past many months have provided us with a variety of stressful situations. We’ve dealt with quarantine, loss of jobs, illness, riots, political upheaval, isolation, children’s school disruption and more. All of these represented stressors. Yet our individual perceptions classified some of these situations as a challenge to overcome, and others as insurmountable. As we pursue wellness on a daily basis, I want to encourage you to take inventory of your tool box so you know what’s available to help. Read more

Many are frustrated by weight gain during the holidays. Before you start another diet, there are some important tips I'd like to share.

Before You Start That Diet ….

It’s the beginning of a new year. Across the US, there are many who are frustrated by the bigger number on their bathroom scale and are choosing the diet they will use this time around. Would this be you, too? Before you start that diet, there are some important tips I’d like to share.

Losing weight is more than eating less and exercising more. When the body can’t eliminate toxins, it stashes them in adipose tissue – fat cells. Weight loss releases not only fat, but toxins too. That’s often why you feel sluggish when dieting. Read more

I'm sure you have your health and fitness goals already pegged for the new year. Have you given any thought to resolutions that inspire life?

New Years Resolutions That Inspire Life!

Are you ready for another year?  I think it’s safe to say we are all ready for a different year, right? I’m sure you have your health and fitness goals already pegged. I’m wondering … have you given any thought to resolutions that inspire life?

Let’s change things up by breaking out of our resolution rut and putting things on our list that inspire fun, pleasure, and growth! Read more

As you work to maintain holiday traditions, the pressure can build inside. Before your kettle starts to whistle, you can use CPR.

Before Your Kettle Starts To Whistle

We are fully in the holiday season and I’m sure you are working to maintain what holiday traditions we can. Some of our treasured traditions must be set aside, while others can be enjoyed with modifications. What are you still scrambling to keep track of, to grasp, to process? When the pressure builds inside, before your kettle starts to whistle, you can use CPR.

No, I’m not referring to the chest compressions that are used when the heart is in cardiac arrest. I want to offer a different meaning for the acronym – confess, press, relax. Read more