A lot goes on inside your body. You may notice symptoms and think that you are just getting old. But is there a fire smoldering inside?

Is There A Fire Smoldering Inside?

A lot goes on inside your body of which you are not aware. You may notice symptoms and think that you are just getting old. But consider … is there a fire smoldering inside your body? Could that be the reason for your symptoms?

That smoldering fire refers to inflammation. Inflammation can be friend or foe. Read more

Metabolism is the chemical reactions in the body that turn food into fuel. If your metabolism is sluggish, your thyroid needs support.

Your Thyroid Needs Support

How is your metabolism? Metabolism is what we call the chemical reactions in the body that turn food into fuel. Our bodies need this to do everything from moving to thinking. If your metabolism is sluggish, your thyroid needs support.

Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that wraps around your windpipe in your throat. The hormones it produces affect all aspects of your metabolism. Read more

Rather than manage your stress, you may find greater benefit if you increase your stress resistance with your vagus nerve.

Increase Your Stress Resistance With Your Vagus Nerve

These days it is nearly impossible to avoid stress. Many are looking for ways to manage their stress, yet you may find greater benefit if you increase your stress resistance with your vagus nerve.

What is the vagus nerve, you ask? The vagus nerve forms a bi-directional “super highway” between your brain and the majority of your internal organs. Vagus means “wandering” in Latin, an appropriate name for the longest nerve in the body that meanders around your chest and abdomen. Read more

Keep Your Body Hydrated During This Hot Summer

With the summer heat comes a lot more sweating, and we lose more water than we usually do in the colder months. This makes it even more important to vigilantly keep your body hydrated. Since this can be a challenge for some, here are some helpful tips to make sure you stay hydrated this summer. Read more

Are Your Symptoms Aging or Inflammation?

Do you have a friend (or two) who claims that “getting old sucks?” Many struggle with growing numbers of symptoms that they attribute to aging, but few realize that most of those symptoms are actually caused by inflammation. What about you? Are your symptoms aging or inflammation?

I firmly believe that many of the symptoms we attribute to age are avoidable. Some call this inflammation that comes with (or accelerates) aging “inflammaging.” Yet there is good news! With proper nutrition and lifestyle strategies, you can slow this inflamm-aging process and reduce your risk of health issues. Read more

Do you battle with stubborn weight? Perhaps you have tried different diet plans with some success, but don't realize hormones are at play.

The Battle With Stubborn Weight

Do you battle with stubborn weight? Perhaps you have tried a number of different diet plans with some success, but you still hit a wall.  So you visited your doctor and were told to eat less and exercise more. I’m sure you have discovered that’s not your answer either.

While calories can influence weight gain or loss, it’s a more intricate system than most realize. There are a variety of hormones that influence the function of your body and the way it uses the food you consume. Read more

There is a whole ecosystem, a world, in your belly and it influences your body's function, even contributing to weight gain.

There’s A Whole World In Your Belly

Are you aware that there is a whole ecosystem residing inside your body? Occasionally it gets our attention with uncomfortable symptoms in our gut. Oh, you didn’t realize that was the ecosystem talking, did you? You could actually consider it a whole world in your belly, and it influences your body’s function, including weight gain. Read more

Do you find yourself drawn to sweets? It is possible to tame your sweet tooth by employing these strategies and you'll have better energy.

Tame Your Sweet Tooth For Consistent Energy

Do you find yourself drawn to sweets when you see them? If you have a sweet tooth, you know how difficult it is to resist. Sugar is a very addictive substance, and eliminating it is not easy. Yet I’m happy to say that it is possible to tame your sweet tooth by employing some strategies.

Remove the Temptation

Stop buying those sweet treats to stock your pantry – or your desk. If it’s not easily accessible, you are less likely to eat it.  Discover nature’s natural sweets with fruit that provide nutrients along with the sweet taste – eat the fruit rather than drinking juice to reduce the effect of sugar on your body. Berries are low in sugar and are full of beneficial antioxidants. Cinnamon is a fantastic spice that makes your food taste sweeter without added sugar. It even helps regulate blood sugar levels. Read more

Do your summer plans include a pool or beach and sunshine? Summer sun means you need protection and not all sunscreens are good for you.

Summer Sun Means You Need Protection

We are nearing the Memorial Day holiday, which many consider the official start of summer. Do your summer plans include a pool or beach and sunshine? Summer sun means you need protection. So how do you choose a sunscreen?

Time spent in the sunshine can be enjoyable and rejuvenating. Given that our skin uses sunlight to make vitamin D, that time is important for optimal health. After all, vitamin D isn’t made in skin covered with sunscreen. Did you know that vitamin D is a nutrient that acts as a hormone? It keeps inflammation in check, supports our immune system and bone health. Read more

It's not unusual to need a small snack between meals. Discover an equation you can use to make sure you choose snacks that sustain you.

Choose Snacks That Sustain You Between Meals

Do you snack in between meals? It’s not unusual to need a small snack between your three larger meals to keep you sustained throughout the day. This helps your blood sugar stay balanced, which also helps with mood and energy. But take a stroll down the snack aisle at your local grocery store, and you’ll find a lot of packaged foods that aren’t beneficial to your health. How do you choose snacks that sustain you between meals?

There’s an equation you can use to make sure you are snacking in a way benefits you the most. After all, you’re less likely to overeat or crash during the day when your body has a steady stream of nutrients to fuel it. Here are some essential snacking tips to help keep you sustained throughout the day. Read more