Entries by Kelly Lutman

Not A Scary Situation, Or Is It?

 Here in the US, we may have an assortment of witches, ghosts, and princesses showing up at our doors this evening. Many of them will have cute kids’ faces beaming over the neckline of their costumes, though some may be hidden behind masks. It’s not a scary situation, or is it? You know what’s really […]

Add Some Fun To Your Fall

There are a variety of vitamins that have been identified as necessary for your body to function well. No doubt, you have heard of Vitamins A, C, D, E, and the many types of B vitamins. There are some that have not been recognized by science, yet they play an important part in our overall […]

What’s D Got To Do With It?

Since the pandemic, we’ve seen an increase in recommendations to boost Vitamin D. It was not an unknown vitamin until then. We have all heard that spending time in the sun could increase Vitamin D levels – but do you know why your level is important? Are you curious what’s D got to do with […]

The Way You Breathe Matters

If you are reading this, you are breathing. We tend to take breathing for granted unless we are having difficulty – then it is all we can think about. Have you ever paid attention to how you breathe, whether through your nose or your mouth? You may think it doesn’t matter because both routes provide […]