Entries by Kelly Lutman

Why Muscle Matters More Than You Think

When we think about metabolism, it’s often in the context of how quickly our bodies burn calories or how hard it feels to maintain a healthy weight as we age. But there’s an unsung hero in this equation that doesn’t get enough credit: muscle. Let’s explore why muscle matters more than you think. Muscle isn’t […]

Vital For The Human Body

Sodium, or table salt, has a rough history. Food labels trumpet their lack of it. Doctors caution using it. Everyone seems to be avoiding it. But at what cost? Given the messages touted in the media, you might think that sodium is toxic. But nothing could be further from the truth. Sodium is vital for […]

You Can Counter Seasonal Mood Changes Naturally

Fall and winter bring shorter days. During this time of year, many people experience periods of sadness or feeling unlike their usual selves. These mood changes often begin and end when the seasons change. You can counter seasonal mood changes naturally, without getting caught up in antidepressant medications. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type […]

A Life Review Can Help You Redirect

What has been your practice at year end in recent years? Do you float along on the river wherever it takes you, or use your paddle to direct your path? You can take a different approach this year. Starting with a life review can help you redirect if you aren’t where you want to be. […]

Smells That Hinder Your Health

What smells do you encounter regularly during the day? The smells of foods you eat? Or smells from your clothes when they are fresh from the laundry? Or perhaps from your shampoo, soap, and other hygiene products? I would imagine that it hasn’t occurred to you that there may be smells that hinder your health. […]

6 Underrated Sleep Hacks For Better Rest

Do you find yourself frequently tossing and turning, struggling to get the restful sleep you crave? It might feel like you’ve tried everything—cutting back on caffeine, creating a bedtime routine, limiting screen time. But some lesser-known approaches may make all the difference. Here are 6 underrated sleep hacks for better rest. Give some of these […]

Can Your Cholesterol Be Too Low?

When you hear the word “cholesterol” what are your first thoughts? Perhaps you think, ‘my doctor says mine is high.’ Or ‘I’m taking medication to control my cholesterol.’ Or you may be thinking that you’ve only heard about high cholesterol, and didn’t realize it could be low. For years we have heard doctors and the […]