Clean your body's filters with a food-based detox

A 5-Day Whole Foods Detox to Help You Feel Better

and Have More Energy

Group program runs May 20th through May 24th

Spring has erupted all around us with nature shedding the gloom of winter to send out fresh leaves and beautiful blossoms to brighten our lives. In the same way, your body is ready to clear away toxins to allow it to reset. Think of it as spring cleaning for your body – an opportunity to give your body a tune-up as you clear its filter systems for refreshed energy and clarity.

How is your health? You may not have a diagnosis, but do you notice some symptoms that you hadn’t experienced 3 months ago? Rather than assume it’s not that big a deal and ignore it, I would encourage you to pause and think again. A short reset could help your body rebalance before something bigger surfaces.

Good thing you’ve landed here! You are not the only one who feels the need to reset after the holidays, but I recommend you skip the diets.

I’ve been there and done that, and I can tell you it doesn’t work for the long haul.

I’m Kelly Lutman, a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Applied Functional Medicine practitioner. I know there’s a lot of confusing advice out there about how to lose weight, resolve pesky symptoms and feel great again.

I know what it’s like to try every diet that’s out there, including detoxes that limit what I can eat to just a few items or force me to drink nothing but liquids for days.

Years ago, when I was homeschooling my sons, I realized that one of them had ADHD. I wasn’t willing to take him to a doctor and be put on medication. Research brought me to the work of Dr. Feingold, a pediatric allergist who believed that hyperactivity was an allergic reaction to artificial colors and flavors. We tried his protocol, removing these from our family’s diet for 2 weeks, and were amazed at the difference in my son’s behavior.

All we did was change our food and the results were powerful!

That’s why I created the 5-Day Simple Detox. It is perfect for you if you:

  • want more energy for your busy and demanding life.
  • find yourself dragging at 3:00 PM and use sweets or canned energy drinks to make it through the day.
  • experience belly bloat after eating.
  • feel tired far too often, even though you’re exercising and eating right.
  • work out a ton and still don’t get the results you expect.
  • want to hit the refresh button on your metabolism so your body becomes a fat burning machine.
  • AND … you are ready to discover an effective way to reclaim your ideal weight!

If you have pushed the limits on indulgence recently – your body is definitely in need of detox.

If you’re eating right and exercising, but still not losing the weight – your body needs the reset offered by a detox fueled by nutrients that boost its ability to clean house!

Detoxes are so important in our busy and over-scheduled lives. Let’s face it – we live in a polluted world, and even if we’re eating the best foods and drinking the best quality water, we’re still exposed to toxins in the environment all around us. Even more, many of us are eating foods that are filled with chemicals, artificial substances and pollutants, and it’s more than our bodies can handle. This is the perfect time to let that go!

If you’ve been gaining and losing the same weight over and over for the last few years – or noticing new symptoms that you can’t explain – a whole-foods detox can break that cycle, help you restart the weight loss and release those symptoms. 

“This was the best! You supplied us with a wonderful guide, directions and recipes. I do feel better. The recipes were fun to shop for, cook and eat! I plan to continue on this path and look forward to the next season’s 5-Day Detox.”

D Crouch, Slidell, LA

“This is the first detox I’ve done that really didn’t feel restrictive! I love the fact that it is only FIVE days! That, along with the simple recipes and prep tips made this the first detox I have actually completed. On day 5 I felt better than ever with tons of energy and mental clarity. I was also happy to see that I lost 4lbs and my belly is flatter!”

J DeAndrade, Livermore, CA

“Thank you for this detox program!  I was looking for a short term reset after vacation and this was perfect.  The recipes were all delicious.  It made me much more intentional and aware of my eating.  I am definitely going to incorporate these recipes into my repertoire, and will continue to use the overall detox program as a guideline for not only healthy, but intentional eating.”

N McWard, Chicago, IL

What do you need for a successful and simple 5-day whole foods Detox? These resources …

  • The 5-Day Simple Detox Handbook to guide you in supporting your body as you release
  • A 5-Day Plan for breakfast, lunch, dinner and treats
  • A blank plan so that you can easily change up the order or selection of recipes to suit you
  • Over 30 recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and treats using produce readily found in winter
  • A shopping list with the ingredients for the 5-Day Plan
  • And, yes, a blank shopping list so that you can adapt it if you change the selection of recipes or find that you already have some ingredients in your kitchen
  • A community that is doing this detox with you so you have support of others on the journey

That’s not all … there’s more!

Just for signing up, I want to thank you by giving you some bonus gifts:

  • Bonus #1: A Breathing Techniques Guide to help you reduce stress and increase the detox benefits
  • Bonus #2: A complete “Deepen Your Detox” Bonus Tips Guide to help you get the best results during your detox
  • Bonus #3: A Dirty Dozen guide for purchasing produce that has minimal pesticides
  • Bonus #4: An Eating Out Guide to help you stay with the plan when away from home
  • Bonus #5: A Post-Detox Strategy Call with me to check-in, ask your questions and get more tips for keeping your best body in top shape after the detox is over

The Spring 5-Day Simple Detox kicks off with a call on May 16th.

If you’re ready to release your symptoms and feel your best, join us!

Bring Your Own Group For A Discount

Hesitant? What if you were to do this with some friends? It would be a short adventure you could enjoy with them and you would all benefit. In fact, I’m offering a $20 discount to each of you if you bring a group of 3 or more (you plus 2+ friends) into the Detox. That would be a “win” in multiple ways!

Set Your Own Schedule

If the week of May 20th doesn’t fit in your schedule, you can still do the Spring 5-Day Simple Detox. Many of my participants have had schedule conflicts and simply adjusted the dates for when they would do the program. You will still have the daily emails from me and encouragement from the Facebook group community … and can always ask me questions as needed.

You’ll get everything listed above for just $107

Early bird special!

This program is just $87 when you sign up by May 19th.


I’m Kelly Lutman, a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Applied Functional Medicine practitioner who wants to help you refresh your body with this simple detox.

I can’t wait to show you how good you will feel in your body by simply changing the food you eat!

Have questions? I’d love to help you figure out if this is the right program for you. Send me an email at and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Money back guarantee: I believe my 5-Day Simple Detox will help you feel and look better. If you follow the protocols and you find that doesn’t happen for you, just send an email to within two weeks of signing up and I’ll refund your money within 72 business hours, no questions asked. There’s absolutely no risk – if it doesn’t work, I’ll give you your money back.